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Susanne Heaton's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Susanne Heaton

I was frustrated. I have worked at my business, Motivated by Nature, for 10 years and people did not seem to understand what it was that I did. The 4 Mega Niches created a huge AHA moment for me even before diving into the Core Track training. I had been trying to play in the Personal Development area...which is not recommended for 90% of cases! This was shocking and enlightening to me. Bringing people in the front door by focusing on health and wellness instead of trying to get them through the back door was a huge shift for how I look at my business. The other thing was how important it is to set up our websites to get people to call us ...instead of trying to capture their emails and build the email list. This approach is very different to what other so-called experts are telling us to do. It makes so much common sense....but as my late father used to say, " I don't know why they call it common sense, because it is not all that $#@!&*** "common"!

I focused on creating an online experience product called Wild About Nature Challenge which I just launched and my heart is truly warmed by the insights and synchronicities that are already occurring for the participants and we are only at Day 5 of the challenge. In normalizing the challenges right off the start, I helped one of the participants be able to pivot from having had a rough start to ending up having a huge realization and phoning to thank me. Another participant said that doing the challenge is similar to walking the Camino Trail. You don't need to travel all the way to Spain to find "the way". You can do it right out your very own front door! This feedback truly warms my soul. I want to be able to share all the magic and the wonder that nature shares so very easily, if we just slow down, look and listen, and this challenge seems to be doing exactly that. I am very excited to see where this path will take me and the lives that it will touch and transform (including my own). I truly LOVE getting WILD and being Motivated by Nature!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

That you need to continually stretch yourself outside your comfort zone in order to grow AND there is NO such thing as Failure...only Feedback.

How did EPM help you become successful?

I pushed through to try to hit Mission Accomplished even though everything was not "perfectly" in place. I am a recovering perfectionist and I knew if I did not push through to make it happen with the M/A as the goal....I might never do it. I was truly pushed out of my comfort zone: I did FB LIVES and gave out my cell phone number for people to call. I am doing a "Just in Time" delivery system with my current course for February, which I never would have dreamed of doing before. Even though it is a little unnerving cutting things so close to the wire, I am also better able to respond to any concerns or comments that come up in real time. I learned a lot of great techie stuff...that I am still trying to master but great to know of so many free and inexpensive tools that are out there at our fingertips.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

It is a little early to respond on this as I have just started to deliver my February program. The synchronicities and insights that have happened with the participants in the program so far have been very powerful for them and also for me. I now have a template to work from for all future projects that I take on.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

This challenge had been sponsored in the past by a local charity, so I had been paid by them to offer it. The charity, although they loved the challenge, did not have the money to continue offering it. I believed so much in it, that I wanted to see if I could get "paying" clients for it. I have (but not yet received as much as the charity paid me) and I am also looking at partnering up with some affiliates who are aligned in the future. I am looking at approaching homeschooling parents with this course as well.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am looking forward to creating a robust new website and membership site that continues to help create a difference in people's well-being.