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Donna Loeffler's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Donna Loeffler

For three years I have been seeking the 'magic formula' to grow my business. After spending a LOT of money on a lot of different courses, I had very little to show for it. One day I decided to write down every course I had purchased, and truthfully, I was shocked at the list. Way more than I remembered. Some of the courses I barely even looked at. I realized that the self-study concept didn't work for me. I was at the point of giving up, or maybe transitioning into a non-profit, or a different business. I was at a crossroads and didn't know what direction to go in.

I'm not sure how I came to find Marisa and EPM. I think someone had sent me her webinar. It looked intriguing, but I vowed to not purchase one more program until I completed all the others. As I watched Marisa on her webinar, everything she said made so much sense. It seemed like the missing piece to my complex puzzle. I loved the idea of accountability. I didn't think it was even possible to create the program and system that Marisa has created. I was willing to take one more chance. So I signed up. From the get-go, this course was different.

The celebrations at every turn really motivated me. The regular online meetings with Marisa and the other coaches were invaluable. I thought I had a well-defined target market and program idea but soon came to realize that I was trying to do way too much. I saw how much I was jumping around, from one subject to another, and never taking my ideas to completion. Because EPM breaks everything down into doable, manageable steps, I was able to really focus. The one thing that was a real game changer for me was the focus I developed. To really concentrate on one, simple program and not try to include everything and the kitchen sink! And it worked.

When I got to the marketing section, I'm not gonna lie. I was a little overwhelmed. But I continued on day by day, working on it, because by golly I was going to FINISH this thing! The good news is that I now have my own, fully functioning website through Heroic, which is something I have been trying to accomplish for YEARS! And I know how to update it at any time. I also added a call to action so my website can really work for me. I added my EPM program too, so people can go there to register. I also completed an online sales funnel that I had started before EPM. And lastly, I created a lead magnet online quiz that is connected to my funnel. I am super proud of myself for accomplishing all of this in 10 weeks. I had paid literally thousands of dollars and never even came close to this.

So even though I didn't hit 'mission accomplished' in the 10 weeks, I did make my first sale into my program, which is the hardest. And I am fully ready to launch this week, with my program starting on March 1st. I'm excited to see where this will take me, and what I will accomplish next. I can't wait to attend Message to Money Live to learn more. This has been a fabulous experience. The best part is now, I have a model of an amazing, effective program to model my own program after. Thank you SO much! I am grateful to all of the EPM gang!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

My biggest takeaway is that I have EVERYTHING i need to succeed. Everything is in place. What I need to do now is take massive action to get my information out there about just this ONE program. I am ready to launch my online funnel today, and have a plan to chatterbox with anyone and everyone on my contact list, 5 contacts per day, focusing on just this one program. In the past, I have jumped around from one idea to the next, with very little results. I have now embraced "Missus Midlife" as she is ME, and that is my focus. Thank you for helping me get to this point of laser focus, that's really what I needed most!

How did EPM help you become successful?

I ditched my old website (and it's marketing guy), and built my very own heroic website. I've gotten rave reviews from other web developers, so I am super happy about this. Very muduct and my branding was exactlch needed. Also, to develop laser focus on one proy what I needed to do. EPM helped me put more fun into my program, for sure.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I now have a focused mission that I truly believe in. What could be better than that? Absolutely nothing!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before I had a sporadic message, now I have a clear, focused message that I really believe in and live by myself every day. I am genuine. The focus has been the biggest change, which is huge. I know I am now on a path to reach my goals and way more.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am most excited about meeting and helping amazing women to better their lives. To help THEM reach Mission Accomplished! I'm also excited about all of the other products that are sure to come.