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Debbie Inglis's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Debbie Inglis

Before EPM I had been struggling with the focus for my business. I’d spent 14 years delivering coaching and training to leaders and their teams, firstly in the private sector, then niching in the education sector (my background before setting up my business).

Recent years have seen my market becoming flooded with people who offer the same service, including more people with a similar USP to me. As I tried to respond to needs, I lost track of what I was about, and found myself running ragged trying to offer more and more bespoke services, spreading myself and my offerings too widely, which was extremely time-consuming and mentally exhausting. My income was also dropping. I felt lost, and suddenly realized that I desperately wanted to become proactive again and take control of where my business was headed. I needed to gain my identity back and gain real clarity about my services and my ‘why’.

With this in mind, I attended several webinars, chosen because they all sounded like they would fix my problem. These led to signing up for online trainings, costing $1,000s, but without any results. Most of the time I didn’t even complete the trainings. What’s worse … this was having an increasingly negative impact on my home life.

Feeling frustrated (and slightly desperate!) I thought I’d try one last webinar before seriously considering getting a ‘normal’ job again. This webinar turned out to be the pre-EPM launch webinar (2018). I’d say it was the best decision I’ve made in a long time.

What worked particularly well in this program were 3 main things:

The step-by-step approach the program offered. The ‘wins’ (points achieved from taking actions) – this became addictive! Having a coach who became my accountability partner. It’s not been plain sailing. I lost a close friend around the time of the start of the EPM program, and have spent lots of my spare time supporting the family. However, my determination to keep going with the trainings have meant I’ve still been able to graduate, and proudly so! My gains have included:

A $700 sale from my first marketing campaign conversation. Greater clarity and focus for my products, along with excitement about what’s possible. A big dose of self-belief and confidence for the future. I feel like I’m finding my ‘Why’ again, and gaining ENERGY back by being more congruent. This is huge for me.

Huge thanks to Marisa, Kate, Christine, Don, Murray at the rest of the team! Your apparent endless supply of positive energy has been amazing!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Oooh, there have been so many! ... I can't choose between the following 2:

1. Seeing my products as 'experience products', instead of information products

2. It's motivated me to get super-focused on my business again, and helped me realise that I DO have what it takes to make it the success it can be. Need to continue to be authentically me!

How did EPM help you become successful?

The XPs and XXXPs have been a HUGE motivator! Doing the work is the key, and the XPs (as well as reporting my progress to my coach) have been the motivation (and accountability) I needed to keep going ... one step at a time!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Given me confidence again, when I'd started to struggle with my focus. Was getting a little 'lost' with what I was offering; lacked clarity. Still feel there's a little way to go, as I now look at the bigger picture of the business as a whole. Need to nail this. The impact on my life has been more energy and clarity.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

There hasn't really been a change on my income. If anything, I've taken my eye off the usual marketing I do, whilst I've been working on this programme (e.g. LinkedIn posts, weekly newsletters, etc.)

I suppose I've realised that with a clear head around what I offer, and being able to talk about it with more focus (Chatterbox it!), I've seen how I can earn more than I have been. i.e. the $700 gained from my 1st Chatterbox conversation is proof that it works!! So you could say I'm $700 better off! There's still time to earn more as I progress with my program.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Seeing the fruits of my labours, getting to enjoy marketing, and applying what I've learned to other experience products.