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Carla Brown's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Carla Brown

From Stuck in the same old mess to my new Experience Product. In my coaching session on Wednesday January 9th I said I had more than reached Mission Accomplished based on the model of done for you QuickBooks rebuilding and then moving on to business coaching. By the next week I realized that I was going right back into the same pattern of working with business owners with big bookkeeping messes. This was what I wanted to get out of but I realized that I had no way to transition from being the do it for you clean up person to do it with you business consultant. I can find this type of client any time I want. I had already moved in this direction with a gym owner and a church finance person.

One of Marisa's trainings had talked about a student who got started in the health and wellness niche. She made multiple changes and finally realized that what she liked most was business coaching for people whose work was in this area. Marisa explained that the woman realized she wasn't working with the tribe she most wanted to spend time working with - it wasn't her tribe. That woman's story stayed with me through my EPM journey because my past is filled with settling on the who based on what I knew I could do. After 20+ years doing business books, I knew that I wasn't going through EPM to be stuck with the same kind of messy clients.

Experience Product Masterclass is exactly what I needed to give me the courage and confidence to say not again, not on someone else's terms. I loved hearing what other people were doing, their ideas and sharing through their process to moments of clarity on their idea, their tribe, how they wanted to incorporate their life into their work. Students in my coaching group were telling me they would stay in touch because they needed help with this finance and structure aspect of running their business.

EPM was like having the seeds planted, fertilized, watered and start growing. For me I could finally see a path to get started with my product idea, to market it so that I could test interest and adjust as I heard perspective on my mission. On a Facebook post of mine a comment of oh you do bookkeeping let me know I still had work to do on the mission to mission accomplished. The teachings, bonus trainings, the live coaching and the Facebook interactions with other students all contributed to changes in my mindset and realizations about my why. The exercise that Marisa took us through about our Selfish Why and our Altruistic Why were so helpful to me and so was going back to the earliest Niche Down Profits Up video #2. I came to realize that I wanted to have a strong sense of belonging in my work life too.

If dollars were the only measure, I could have claimed M.A. but I knew it wasn't from the product I wanted to create for this next season in my life. My get started product is Solo & Side-Gig Finance 101 Bootcamp this is iteration #12 I believe, and I came up with it yesterday Feb. 4th as I was working through my graduation questions. Yes, I will be going back to the many great lessons I have access through EPM and marketing my first product, iterating it to awesome as Marisa so famously told us all through the process. I am so looking forward to applying all the tools, resources, tips and encouragement contained in EPM. I have made some decisions around my pace, my season and goals especially as several people shared their journey. As with all graduations now it's time to put all this learning and growing into action and iterate my way to an awesome new experience - I know that I'm in for a wonderful adventure.

2018 EPM'er

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Marketing is part of the service and perspective is everything as you develop your product, marketing and delivery. The thing that runs through my head is from early in EPM training.

How did EPM help you become successful?

The word that leaps to mind is clarity.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

EPM has given me confidence to grow a business that is new and unique to me. Marisa's teaching, training and especially her live coaching sessions were such confidence builders for me. She showed me a way that I can deliver my product live to multiple people and yet address their particular needs. The modeling that Marisa did for me through the whole EPM process is priceless. To Marisa and the whole LYM team Christine, Don my coach Jen and Murray, plus all the others who were part of making this class an amazing experience, you have my deep gratitude and thanks for the impact you've made on my life that I know will only multiply going forward.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

In my coaching session on Wednesday January 9th I said I had more than reached Mission Accomplished based on the model of done for you QuickBooks rebuilding and then moving on to business coaching. By the next week I realized that I was going right back into the same pattern of working with business owners that I wanted to get out of - this wasn't the new experience product that I wanted to create. I went back to revisit my mission to mission accomplished with more revision work. By our January 16th coaching call I knew I still had work to do. I fired what I thought was my M.A. client, I was determined not to get lost in another business mess.

With gratitude for all that EPM has done in my life.