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Lissa Sandler's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Lissa Sandler

I was having a problem getting my 1st course off the groud. I didn't have a framework. And I kept putting it off. I didn't have the momentum I needed to make it happen. I wasn’t sure what to do. I knew that if I could create another form of income, something that I could eventually turn into an evergreen funnel that my business would start to feel like I could get traction. Always doing one to one work was getting overwhelming and I was buring out. Plus I had a ceiling on how much I could make because of the fact that I could only do so much one to one work. I joined EPM and I learned the exact steps I needed to follow to create and market the program that I had always dreamed of creating. And now I am starting my first beta round of my course in less than a week.

Being in EPM gave me the support and the timeline I needed to get it done. I am motivated by working in a group. And I also loved the group coaching calls. I learned so much from the questions other people asked. I am super excited. I am already at $3976, 8 students and I am just ending the early bird phase of my launch. I am really hoping a few more jump on during the cart open the next four days. What's more exciting is the potential I see with this program. it is really limitless and that is so exciting to me.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

My biggest takeaway is that by letting the students know from day one exactly what the goal of the course is, and then by building small wins in that they can check off, you will create momentum. And the students will have a better chance of finishing the course.

How did EPM help you become successful?

Paul was really key in me launching my course. He had great advice along the way. He was so knowledgeable at marketing and sales. he made it feel very doable and always encouraged us to do what was right for us, versus a blanket marketing strategy for the whole group. He really individually looked at each person and helped you decide the right path for your product and situation. And it was those smaller weekly calls where I got most of my value.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Right now, even though my launch was small, I do see the opportunity that could be created if I had a much bigger list. So once the course is created, I am going to put all of my time into creating momentum in creating my voice, narrowing my niche so I can connect better with my audience. I felt like EPM was a really holistic view at creating courses and I appreciated being taken through each step you need for success. I am sure I will be returning to these trainings over and over. And there are some I just didn't get to, so I am planning to go back to those when I can.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I have a new income stream. And I actually launched my product. I just don't think I would have gotten that done with the momentum of EPM.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I am planning to create an evergreen funnel with my experience masterclass. And I am planning to host joint venture webinars throughout the year to move people through the funnel.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

The whole program was really quite incredible. I can tell how much everyone on the team cares. It was really refreshing to have such an engaged coach leading us. Marisa is really powerful and a great leader. It was just a wonderful experience.