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Bonnie Groessl's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Bonnie Groessl

I didn’t really plan to sign up for the EPM Masterclass, but something happened. I had watched the launch videos, felt inspired and excited but didn’t have the money. While I knew I would be missing a great opportunity, I had put it out of my mind.

I think it may have been the day the cart closed, and I got another email from Marisa with another video. Something caused me to watch it and all of a sudden something made me physically jump off my chair (seriously) and knew I had to find a way.

It was one of those moments that you don’t know why you do something. Whether you call it divine guidance, God or the Universe…it was something greater than myself. I am still not sure exactly what happened, but something did.

My husband has always been supportive of my continuing education and I guess he could see the look on my face when I told him about it. We borrowed the money and took the leap. I have taken many courses before, more than I care to admit. I have never experienced a course like this one. It was like a college class on steroids and I loved it. (I am sort of a nerd.)

The FB community has been AWESOME and I am so blessed to be a part of this group. I admit I had a bit of the “imposter syndrome” as I was developing my experience product and wondered if I could really teach this. There are so many others who teach podcasting. I was struggling to identify social proof.

Coach Christine asked me how many people listened to my podcast. She encouraged me to actually take a look at my stats. I had not paid too much attention to stats in the past so I didn’t realize a million people have been listening in over 50 countries in the past 2 years. I was surprised, grateful and honored and to say the least. I had found social proof, thank you Coach Christine!

After having trouble with the timeline for my 4 week program during the holidays, I decided to create a “save your spot” campaign (something I just made up). On Monday, November 21st, I reached mission accomplished by 6:30 pm CT, so I missed the deadline. I surpassed mission accomplished by 9:30 pm CT that night! I am able to pay back what I had borrowed :-)

"Expand Your Reach with Podcasting” masterclass does not begin until January 2, so I am still hoping to get more students and working on the marketing strategies Marisa taught us.

I am forever grateful for this experience! Much gratitude!