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Susan Rumack's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Susan Rumack

I was coasting for 12 years, totally stuck without any direction or even any idea of how to turn my beloved life coaching business into a real money making machine. I'm brilliant at attracting the sad story down and outers who really need help but can't afford me! There's something soul growing that pro-bono gives me that my high roller clients don't! My biggest challenge is that life coaching was supposed to be my retirement career but it seems I couldn't grow it beyond being the very expensive hobby, my accountant calls my business.

I wasted so much money and energy on other sure-thing marketing programs and gurus, always expecting them to be the solution, that when Experience Product Mastermind 2018 came along, I totally held back! But Marisa's coach kept after me,showing me benefit after benefit, for 3 days running until she convinced me that this was the magic pill that would get me to the finish line and make back my investment before the 10 weeks was over! Seriously, right into the last moment of the last day, I kept talking myself out of it, and then flashed my credit card and said YES a few seconds before the midnight deadline!

I was sure it was another $2,000 wasted! I really needed that money to pay back a debt. The guilt and fear gnawed at me and my daughters reminded me I'd have to stay focused for 10 whole weeks. It wasn't looking good and I hadn't even started. I joined Experience Product Mastermind and learned how I'd been on the right track just didn't have the finishing touches like learning about how to sell using Core Experience consciously to get the YES I needed to close the sale or how to use Surveys to build value and curiosity, or how to use Bonuses strategically.

I built a new program and rebranded myself as the Therapist's Coach, I found the market who needs and wants it. I also found a new business partner and we are building a membership group for a different buying group, BUT most importantly used Marisa program to find a 1:1 client who is buying my customized program worth 6 times my investment in Experience Product Mastermind. Pretty good for 10 weeks! Thanks Marisa Murgatroyd!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Structure was the biggest piece lacking in how I have developed my programs in the past. Experiencifying makes doing this work much more fun for me... and that reflects in the energy my clients are bring to joining my programs and buying my programs. Core experience was something I intuitively used, but now knowing HOW and WHY and WHEN to use it, even is simple surveys will make all the difference to both my marketing AND building my future programs.

How did EPM help you become successful?

Since I had done all the Origin Stories, Mission Statement for myself, my clients, and my product... I don't even know how many stories and missions I found, for myself and my product, I felt very confident quoting the highest prices I have ever asked for the work I do, when I pitched the 1:1 client. I also felt very confident in NOT offering a refund policy or guarantee of outcome. In my quote, I had built out the module framework but not fleshed it out because each session with this client will lead to the next as he is ready to move forward. He and I know the direction, the monthly topics and the milestones we need to hit and when we need to hit them in order to meet his deadline... but sessions will be built weekly and focused on his most pressing need within that months topics. We have had our first two sessions, with very positive outcomes and forward movement at each.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

My original intended program took up the first 5 weeks... and has not yet launched. I got to the survey, got 200 responses, with 71 email addresses, and have been nurturing them with results and reports. Through Chatterbox, I got a speaking gig, and got 21 more emails addresses who ALL wanted my Bonus... The Bonus was way too ambitious BUT built a 30 lesson program that I'll launch in the next 2 months... AND I pitched and won my 1:1 client that 6X'd the EPM $2K in 10 week goal... with a different product. On top of all this, I partnered with another EPMer and we are working on launching a membership program with related 2:few group workshops, and 2:1 VIP coaching. My next year is loaded with potential money making ventures AND now I have the tools to at least make a decent start that will bring in income while it's all building. I'd say EPM is a better than average 'good' investment if you are willing to do the work full time.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I love 1:1 coaching, AND I love doing what it takes to support each client. I've done 1:few groups in the past, and enjoyed them and was good at them, but never grew them because once I got past finding the group and delivering the training a few times, I didn't have a full menu of everything I needed to repeat and grow my success. For the first time I have REAL tools, REAL process, and a REAL understanding of the WHY behind doing each step. I have new excitement.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Building this 1:1 experience product is helping me to refine the tools that will work best in helping others who suffer as badly as this one extreme PTSD victim. I've worked with PTSD victims before... always with successful outcome, but this one has the potential to grow into a much larger program with more than 7K participants in just one country alone.

I'm most excited about this Experience Product because I can actually see HOW to move it forward even as I'm working each week with my 1:1 so that by the end of the 5 months, I will have a whole program ready to fly for 1:many. At the same time I'm embarking on a structured chatterbox campaign to find supporters, and affiliates and oh yes... clients... to make it fly by Summer and start officially in the Fall. All this is very exciting... I hope I can keep up with it all!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I came into EPM skeptical that I'd be able to maintain the pace, or use the tools, or not get turned off by the sidebar marketing for the next phases beyond EPM. I was challenged by all the heavy duty marketing for M2M, but learned so much from watching HOW Marisa markets with determination and added value all the way along. I'm grateful to have been more than just a fly on the wall in this training, and am grateful that I will have lifetime access to all these tools.

Thank you Marisa and to your incredible team of dedicated coaches and support team. Thanks to Murray and Marisa for Heroic and the 12 month membership which I plan to use extensively and for Thinkific. I would never have tried either but even at this early stage in all 3 of these new products, feel that there will be great streamlining of my marketing with these two advantages. FYI I'm turning 70 year old this summer, and in 4 weeks, I pack my home into a pod, put it in storage and travel the world for 4 months, coaching, building, marketing and chatterboxing all the way. I'll let you know how it goes, if you are interested. Maybe 2020 for the next M2M.