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Abby Rohrer's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Abby Rohrer

EPM was an answer to my prayers. As a spiritual healer with my own proven method, I was struggling to voice my work in a tangible way and to get my work out into the world in a bigger way. I've taken a lot of programs, had a lot of coaching, and I've developed and run many programs before. But marketing was very difficult -- I had a tough time finding the words to describe my powerful healing method, especially with people new to the concept. I was also looking for a way to keep people engaged in their own healing for a longer period of time.

EPM gave me a tangible process to go through to find and voice the words I needed to connect my experiential work and connect with my audience. It also gave me a way to add pieces to hopefully keep my students engaged for a much longer time so they can really experience more and more transformation and freedom for themselves.

Every single piece of the program was brilliant. All along the way I had aha's and new insights on how I could present my work and improve the experience for my audience and for me. Ultimately, before the program ended, I was able to market and bring in 20% more than my highest stretch goal and still have a 5 days before my cart closes!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

Clarity! Marisa's process got me crystal clear about my mission and how to verbalize what I offer.

How did EPM help you become successful?

1. Helped me get crystal clear and verbalize what I do--this had always been a challenge before.

2. It was super motivating--yes, it was great to check the boxes and hear the sounds!

3. I met incredible people and we helped each other wholeheartedly. This was so special--hard to describe how incredible this experience was.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I'm willing to be even more "all-in" and play a bigger game. It's helped me to see a real path to doing that going forward.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Before I would gather a small group and run a program and run out of steam. Then I'd recuperate and regroup and start again almost from scratch because I couldn't see a real path to gain momentum. This has gone on for many years and it was exhausting. Now I see how a clear path to build my business and to keep my momentum going.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

I think it may be the most exciting, relevant programs I have developed to date. I've never had an under $500 program before or a wide-open start point for my funnel. I'm VERY excited about it before I've been able to prove a chunk of my funnel right during the program.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

This is the BEST program I've ever done--though I wish it had been delivered over a few more weeks.