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Phyllis Horner's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Phyllis Horner

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

There's a WOW! and an UGH! The WOW! The energy you put into the language, niche, testing, sales and marketing of an experience product is worth it! And the experience aspect hands down made me feel much more "stellar" vs. ordinary - this gave me a lot more confidence. The UGH! So much work beyond the course design that sometimes it's overwhelming. I think without the experience format, and my catching up for the red Tribe t-shirt, the overwhelm would have put me "underwater".

How did EPM help you become successful?

EPM - I cannot say enough good about it! There are 3 main ways though: 1) Marisa's energy and her team of talented "Product Sherpas!" I could always reach out to them and the group for support, and I knew if I "went dark" someone would notice that. 2) The transparency of EPM's journey. When I was low I rewatched the story of the "crickets" response Marisa had a few years ago and I realized two things from it - first, she made our challenges "normal" by sharing that story, and showed pivoting and learning can bring eventual massive success. And second, she showed me that being transparent isn't scary, but actually empowers my tribe. 3) The direct feedback on my copy at all stages - Headlines, Sales Page, Module Missions, descriptions and Future Selves. This was super hard for a while till I caught on, and now, well I am excited to do more with it!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I'm on my way to create a great series of Experience Products over the next couple of years! An amazing ROI for a 10 week investment. Thanks Marisa, Murray, Christine, Don, Devin and the rest of the team!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

Now, I'm ready to think bigger, be more innovative, build excitement into my products, and pivot as needed. Before, I was still hesitant on what would be a good strategy and what was chasing "squirrels"! I trust Marisa and team to be "a voice in my head" any time I need it.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

More, More, More!!! And changing other's lives for the better.