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Kathryn Lowe's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Kathryn Lowe

I had a burning desire for several years to create an online educational program. But I didn't know where to start or how to do it. And for that matter I didn't even know what the class was going to be about! But through EPM I was aget ble to clear on what I'm passionate about and who I want to serve. I became a Certified Financial Coach, and I now get to coach and train women to master their money and build financial security and wealth while staying true to who they are.

Through following Marisa's directions, I was able to create a marketing campaign anc course in 10 weeks. It now longer felt confusing and it was clear how to do it. And by the end of EPM I was inviting people to join me in the beta launch of the my new online class. It's the class I always wished I had when I was struggling financially.

On my way to launching, it wasn't always easy. Writing marketing copy was like learning a new language. It was challenging! It turns out I really enjoy it, but it was a stretch and it didn't come naturally at first.

And then when it came time to launch my marketing campaign I was so scared! Seriously. I wanted to quit. To give up. I felt too afraid to go through with it and my mind was begging me to quit. "Don't bother" my brain said. "No one will sign up for it anyway.'' "You'll suck at it and no one will like what you have to say anyway" my mind screamed. I was becoming convinced it was best if I gave up on this dream, because it sure would have been more comfortable!

But I didn't. And I sent the invites. And I told my friends and colleagues about the program I was offering. And you know what, people registered for the class! 11 of them! And I just lead the first lesson of the 8 Week Money Fix program today to my new students. What an incredible feeling! I already got great feedback and I'm so grateful I stuck with it, even though I was afraid. I'm so proud of myself and I'm so excited to guide these wonderful students through my new program.

The support I got in EPM kept me going, and now I've been able to fulfill a dream I've had for a long time. Now I get to help make a difference in people's lives, while getting to teach from anywhere in the world where there's an internet connection.

Thank you so much,

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM? So many takeaways! I'd say the biggest is that I didn't even know my niche when I started! Now I'm clear what I want to do and who I want to work with. That is HUGE!

How did EPM help you become successful? EPM walked us step by step through the process of creating a product. Because everything was broken down into bite-sized pieces it took the overwhelm out of the process. Also, the importance of the coaching cannot be overstated. We had so much support! I knew I was never alone.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

I have been wanting to lead an online program for years, but I didn't know how or where to start. It felt mysterious and overwhelming. By doing EMP and being successful in creating and launching my first program, I have a level of pride and amazement at my accomplishments I haven't experienced before. While the steps to do this became very clear through this program, I experienced real fear as I put myself out there and asked people to pay money to take my program. But I pushed through the fear and I have grown tremendously as a person. It's hard to put into words how this feels. I feel courageous and proud of myself!

What has been the biggest change in your business?

I started it! In 10 weeks I went from not knowing what my business or niche would be, to being clear on what I offer and launching my first group program. And I went from making zero to making $2000 in that same short amount of time too. Cool!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product? I have wanted to create a program like the one I did while in EPM for a long time. Now I'm doing it! And it will become the flagship offering for my business. So I'm excited that I'm creating the foundation of a successful business that will make a difference for a lot of people.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I'm so grateful I enrolled in EPM! Really, it's the best course of it's kind I've ever done! Thank you.