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Sandy Kuehl's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Sandy Kuehl

Your Graduation Story
The big shift for me was coming back out of retirement after a brief 30 day stint with a late career transition retirement group coaching offering. It took me a while to realize that I needed to educate my target audience about the difference between their parents and grandparents retirement compared to pre-retirement, post-retirement and un-retirement (the working retired) of today. I found people intrigued and wanting more which had me also realize and acknowledge the importance, power and impact of marketing after 20+ years! Imagine. My poll results were awakening, powerful and insightful. I sent out my first thank you report on my Retirement & Pre-Retirement Poll today to 8 people. Stellar. I have scheduled 4 more touches (reports) on poll insights into a satisfying retirement in the next couple of weeks. Sunday, I received a person setting up a Game-Changing Retirement Engagement coaching session for the offering. I set up my first Experience call appointment today and it wowed the customer who is filling out the application tomorrow. First sale, yahoo ... and more to come. So I stacked three campaigns and marketing worked, Marissa. Thank you.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
My biggest takeaway from EPM is the experience and realization of the importance, power and impact of marketing while retaining my authenticity, and showing up better for my potential clients by giving them what they want.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM gave me the experience system necessary to be clear, customer-focused and prepared to give a customer what they want and accomplish a win/win for all involved.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
The EPM experience stretched my limits like no other in my life. I can't believe how much I learned in a short expanse of time and actually do marketing in spite of my triggered nervous system. I may not have accomplished my mission yet but I know I will. I feel my identity has changed down to my toes and I'll never be that other coaching practitioner who hated sales again.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My clients and new clients during my experience marketing education got to see me learn, grow and evolve with a challenge of my own. There's an increased sense of partnership and intimacy between me and my clients. I sense credibility with potential clients. They respect my new way of being, the new offering and the new processes I've implemented. I guess the biggest change in my business so far is visibility.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
What I'm most excited about moving forward is Mission Accomplished with my Experience Product. I'm committed to it with conviction.