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Myra Skelton 's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Myra Skelton

Marisa, even though I was not able to sell anything, I learned so much. I'm considering this more of a college class on product creation and marketing. I started with nothing. Not even an idea for a product. Now, I feel that even though I wasn't able to make any sells, I can use what I learned to make a new product. I understand the process. The coaching sessions with you, our coach, and Don were terrific. This was my first experience with coaching. The tech stuff was all new to me, and the way Don taught made me look forward to the tech classes, not dread them. My coach (Coach Paul) was great at giving pointers that I needed to work on. Watching you coach people so quickly and helping them get to the point of what they were trying to say was amazing! I definitely see the reason why coaching is so important to the success of this program. Thanks for everything you did!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I'm a lot dumber than I realized. I have a lot to learn. Maybe I don't have anything worth sharing after all? I have learned a lot about how product creation and marketing work. If I could think of anything worth sharing, I now think I could do it. Or at least I would know how to start!

How did EPM help you become successful?
I have learned a lot about how product creation and marketing work. I think I could do it again.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I think I now understand a little about the process of product creation and marketing.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I found out that another person, locally and in the Facebook groups where I was trying to market, offers a FREE seminar teaching what I was offering for sale. They offered it the same week I offered my course for sale. SO... I think that maybe I need to find a way to expand where/who I'm marketing to and try this again later, or just change product/market completely.