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Shalyn Yamanaka-wong 's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Shalyn Yamanaka-wong

I have tried previously to have a business and closed it when we moved, thinking that I was not cut out to be my own boss. After working in a major business, I had the realisation that I had a purpose to help kids develop positive eating behaviours, and am trying again. I have been struggling to get my business up and running for the past year. I realise I have been putting up my own blocks - fear of failure, discomfort selling, not wanting to be seen, which have all prevented me from moving forward and making the impact that I want to. I was excited to learn more about this program and expected great things.

It hasn't turned out as I wanted...I did not make mission accomplished, but I do have my first client. It is heartbreaking to put in so much effort and have so much hope for it to be deflated by failure, but after hearing all the stories of others and realising its the reality of business, that it takes time, effort, dedication, and even then, failures occur, I have not given up hope. I have a new tool kit of strategies, drive, and a support system to ask help from.

I have been doing multiple courses at the same time, trying to tackle my blocks from different directions so I can move forward, so from my scientific mind, I have too many variables to understand what is doing what, but I have made progress. I have made a great leap forward. This is just the beginning...

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It takes a lot of work, dedication and effort to put out a product and even with that, there are going to be failures - numerous ones. Everyone experiences them, but you have to get up and keep trying.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I have cowered in the past with every failure and believed it wasn't possible. I haven't put myself out there enough to be seen, to give my gift to the world. I now know I have a gift and can make the difference I want to, just have to keep trying until I find what works.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I'm more confident trying to sell and have a different mind set.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Before I had no idea in marketing my product, now I have some tools to try to move forward.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I have my first client so that I can try out my program and gain confidence. I think I need to make baby steps, so this is my first step.