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Pam Vredevelt's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Pam Vredevelt

Your Graduation Story
I didn't know if I'd be able to reach my target goal after three years of plowing hard ground and 2 previous launches with pitiful results for my evergreen online course Healing Your Empty Arms. So I decided to try a different format, modeled by Marisa, with a coaching element included with the videos and pdfs in a 1:few program at a higher price point. I was skeptical thinking that if people won't buy at $197 why would they buy at $497?! But, I kept plowing and pressing forward in spite of the naysayers within and without, determined to give this one last shot. I know there is a huge need for help in this area because I don't have enough clinical hours in the week to keep up with the demand. I also figured I must be doing something in the process that is getting in the way of reaching those online who need it most. After investing alot of time and money in creating top level videos for the course, and knowing the huge need in the market, it seemed crazy to me that we weren't getting any traction. Finally, on the very last day of EPM I was able to push the little green button and cheer MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!! ....Followed by Fatigue face plant :)

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
How incredibly challenging it is to convert an online cold/warm market on the topic of grief recovery

How did EPM help you become successful?
Marisa's business savvy and authenticity, Matthew's ongoing encouragement, and the opportunity to consider a different format of delivery with my evergreen course

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have hope that I can penetrate the online market and make a difference on a broader scale.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The owners confidence and belief that more online missions can be accomplished.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Creating new programs that can change lives for the good, and having the resources that allow me to have more time away from brick and mortar business, doing other things I love to do:) Marisa I cannot thank you enough for not throwing in the towel when things were hard! Hearing your story of 4 years of disappointing results lit a fire in me to keep going. And look at you now!!! Wooohooo! You are absolutely AMAZING! :)