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Kimberly Weitkamp's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Kimberly Weitkamp

Your Graduation Story
I came to EPM after a recent pivot in my business. I wasn't happy with who I was serving and decided to make a switch. Of course, that meant re-building everything from scratch. I wasn't super clear about who exactly I wanted to serve and didn't have a specific set of services in mind.

EPM served as the catalyst to own my new direction and get everything set up. I launched my new site and crafted a signature service around my unique Audience Conversion Method. I also set up all the new pages I needed, including a new scheduler, new emails and new landing page with my new branding/business name.

EPM helped me jumpstart my new direction and really gain clarity on what I wanted to offer. Using Chatterbox, it also helped me start raising awareness of my new direction. As I didn't have a network in my new niche, I joined several groups and started interacting while actively looking for new connections.

Since launching my new site and starting to talk about my new direction, I've doubled my email list. It hadn't grown except by a random subscriber here and there since the start of my business.

I’d always wanted to create a course and had it on the backburner for two years. Now, I have a 1-to-1 service offering that I can see turning into a course after a few months, and a process to do this. EPM gave me the direction and motivation to start getting out there and talking about my new niche. I haven't sold my service yet, but I feel confident now when talking about it and am starting to gain momentum with all the people I've met. I will reach Mission Accomplished, it just may be a little while. The clarity, foundation and systems to create my course in the future were all worth it!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Clarity around how to phrase what I do and who I serve.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Kickstart my new niche and raising awareness. I feel I've gained a lot of traction in a short period of time that would've taken months on my own.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I feel more confident when talking about what I do and excited about my new direction and all the people I'll be able to help.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
The new niche is solid now. I've got all the assets live and was even invited to become a collaborator in a giveaway for my ideal audience, which will result in rapid growth and more opportunity for me. (Goes live end of FEB!)

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Knowing exactly what the experience will look like and what I need to do to prepare. Even though I haven't delivered it yet, I know that I can make a difference for people and how it will happen. I'm excited to use this to help more people.