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Lois Lynn's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Lois Lynn

Your Graduation Story
Being an entrepreneur is not in my family or my experience tool chest. I was trying for two years, not knowing how to start or what to do. Overwhelm was the operative word, it still is but at least I’ve seen the training videos and examples of my fellow students over these past two months to guide my path.

I am coming back to my roots in the field of nutrition after being away from it for 30 years. I have some limited current experience with non-paying clients. One of my shortcomings that I need to overcome. Not sure how, just yet.

Still have a few more videos to listen too and work through. I believe that the universe will provide when I’m prepared enough to make a go of this.

My Mission Statement took me the full 10 weeks to finalize. Here it is. I like it but still wondering if Marisa would approve of it.

Is your excess body weight becoming a health concern. YMSYCTAI is to reclaim your health by reclaiming your kitchen during a 10-week whole-food plant-based masterclass that sets up your kitchen, and meals for a healthy lifestyle that promotes a consistently healthy body weight.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Community of likeminded people struggling together. Loved that image of the multiple workout partners.

I still have lots to learn and try.

Starting to organize toward a goal.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Not sure. Still wondering if my mission statement is okay. Since all else going forward comes back to that,

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Lots of videos to listen to and work through.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Think I have a workable mission statement, but still not solidly sure about it.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Would like to have a workable structure to impact lives for the better.