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Amy Lenell Ledwith's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Amy Lenell Ledwith

Your Graduation Story
It HAS been a wild ride.

There was something about the first webinar that I couldn’t explain. It took place at a SUPER inconvenient time for me: a Friday night as I was supposed to be heading out to babysit my nieces and nephews. I almost skipped it (like, I must admit, about 50% of free webinars I sign up for). But some little voice said to me “no, you’ll want to listen to this one.”

So I tuned in as we drove out in the dark. Thankfully I had a good strong data plan for streaming videos. I’m so glad I did.

EPM was not successful in getting me to mission accomplished - to make $2000 or a whole lot more in 10 weeks or less.
But here’s what EPM WAS successful in:
•Recognizing the power of community and support.
•Teaching me methods of organizing and presenting ideas that excite me in a way they’ll also excited others (and get them to buy!).
•Catching me at moments when I thought “this is too much” to help me work through to the next step.
•Building strategies to share my expertise in a way which most benefits my potential students.
•Narrowing down my target client’s pain points, as many times as I needed to get super clear and super poignant.
•Demonstrating how a lot of little tiny baby steps can work to get so much further than expected.
•Showing me how to use my life experience to build credibility.
•Reminding me when I needed it, that “I got this” and taking another baby step forward.
•Making me face my fears of talking about my product, message, and mission. While I’ll always be an introvert, I’m learning to pretend to be an extrovert to help people create change in THEIR lives.
•Teaching me that I am responsible for every single step I take - - that MY actions are what get me across the finish line, that trying to blame other people or situations or events just distracts from my own work. So yes, I know, EPM had nothing to do with me not reaching mission accomplished, it was all me. And I am glad for that experience. My Mission Accomplished will still happen, just on a schedule that I can manage which honors my own energy.

So no, I didn’t reach my goal with EPM by the “deadline.” But EPM has taught me that the most important goals aren’t the ones we reach or don’t reach, but the ones we learn the most from. And I’ve learned more in the weeks with EPM than I could have imagined.

Thank you Marisa, Coach Matthew, Don, Murry, Jordan, and all of those working “behind the scenes” to provide a powerful community that shows us all just how powerful we are.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
EPM has taught me that the most important goals aren’t the ones we reach or don’t reach, but the ones we learn the most from.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Making me face my fears of talking about my product, message, and mission. While I’ll always be an introvert, I’m learning to pretend to be an extrovert to help people create change in THEIR lives. (They won't buy if they don't know about it!)

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Given me confidence that I CAN do this. One step at a time.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Gaining marketing strategies to set myself up for actually SELLING my product and CHANGING people's lives.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Seeing the "light" in people - - those "ah ha moments" and supporting them through the drudgery to get to those spaces.