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Cynthia Luna's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Cynthia Luna

Your Graduation Story
Okay. I have to admit, when I first purchased EPM, I freaked out a little. Okay, a lot. Was this really the time to be investing in a course to develop experience products? Would I really have the bandwidth, the time and the smarts to take in the learnings and turn them around into an experience product of my own?

Creating a product to go-to-market is a huge, complex process, and Marisa assures you she has her eyes on all the moving parts, as she guides you to the one part you need to focus on right now. Marisa's EPM addresses all the screws, nuts and bolts that need loosening and tightening. That's one of the things that makes Marisa's EPM a gem.

The other thing that makes this program such a gem is the live, weekly coaching. First of all, THANK YOU for having someone on a European time zone! (Huge!) Second, Uwe is great at staying the EPM course, keeping people motivated, providing on-the-spot coaching and ensuring that everyone who has a question gets a shot at asking a question.

The third gem is the side-coaching. Even though I didn't ask questions, I got a ton of side-door coaching from other podmembers' courage in posting their YMSYCTAIs. I also hope some people thought my rewordings helped them. Those weeklies helped me reword and refine my own mission, which I'm really proud of.

At the end of 10 weeks, I can say that I have an experience product I am ready to beta-test. So, yeah, mission accomplished.

Did I get my money's worth? Yes -- and then some. Will I be going back to the online course trainings and reviewing specific topics? Lawd, yes! I'm more of a tortoise, not a hare. :-) Will I be launching my first experience product in February? Yes, and I have so much more clarity around my prospective customers thanks to EPM!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
"Iterate to awesome.
It's really about taking small and steady steps and focusing at the task at hand. "

How did EPM help you become successful?
All the examples. There are so many across so many niches, so you could really see how the principles are applied in a practical way.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I think my ideas about my experience product were so overwhelming, before EPM, that I didn't really know how to get them all out there, or where to put them. So, I didn't have the courage to take the first step. Now, with EPM, I have a system for taking on my ideas and putting them into action. The shift out of overwhelm paralysis has been the biggest impact.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My "authorpreneur" business was on life support when I signed up for EPM. Now, I understand how I can leverage my insecurities channeling my creativity and "putting my work out there" in order to connect with my clients. I no longer need to find rocks to hid under.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
All the blanks are filled. There are parts where I'm less strong than other parts, but I understand those are muscles I just need to train more.