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Teresa Alesch's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Teresa Alesch

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I know this is long… IF you need me to pull out a few sentence, I can do that. I just wanted you to know how much this masterclass has helped me, not just in business, but in mindset.]

When I first began EPM, I set my goals at $2K, $6K, and $12K, but I’m embarrassed to say that as my monkey mind took over, I lowered my $6K to $5K and my $12K to $10K. The next thing I knew, I was down to $2K, $4K, and $6K. I didn’t believe in myself and thought I was crazy for thinking I could hit any of those numbers. I probably would have lowered the $2K if it was an option.

I came into EPM with a product vision and a good deal of curriculum, but I lacked the know-how to get from A to Z, and I REALLY struggled narrowing my niche. I’d get all my materials out to work… and just freeze… for the past. 12. months.

It’s insane to think in just 10 weeks, 10 weeks! I zoned in on my niche, named my product, established my mission, finally committed to launching, designed my marketing campaigns (including writing webinar, recorded and live scripts, website copy, and… AND, migrated my website over to Heroic, and began building my course in Xperiencify). Say WHAT!?!?

Back to my niche, I wanted to reach every person, plant and animal on the planet. HOWEVER, Coach Uwe and the community helped me to pull out my super powers, and at the same time, drop the cape of trying to do it all to zone in on who really needs what I’m more than qualified to offer (that was another hurdle… imposter syndrome and credibility). My niche? People battling illness, fatigue, overwhelm, or burnout, but PRIMARILY, our people fighting or who have fought cancer. They’re my people.

EPMers, you already know this, but for those who don’t:
Marisa breaks what is an incredibly complex process down into manageable chunks. In just ONE conversation, she helped me drop the fluff in my mission statement and further niche down in less than three minutes (best guess).

Beyond her laser focused coaching, she gives you the theory, psychology (half of the psychology is getting over ourselves!), tools, and exercises to complete each step. She takes the magic pill, crushes it, and puts it in the hamburger or spinach (whatever you prefer). ???? You don’t even realize the work of art you’re creating until you get to the end, step back, and gasp in AWE of how beautiful not only your product is, but also the process you used to get there.

My coach, Coach Uwe, was a wonderful guide. He went above and beyond every call and he did a wonderful job of providing feedback and influencing group participation. He reached out to me when I temporarily fell through a crack. He made a difference not only in my day and week but in the trajectory of my engagement and motivation. All the coaches were great.

I made a comment in the Facebook group, and I stand by it. If I wasn’t going to be hitting Mission Accomplished, I still would not request a refund. I determined that very early on. It’s an awesome guarantee and something to fall back on if things go horribly wrong or a person’s needs just aren’t in alignment with the program’s objective, but for me, the value I received FAR exceeded the price of admission, and I would’t feel right. By value, I’m not referring to monetary gain, although, that’s been awesome, and what I’ve brought in is just the BEGINNING!

I’m talking about the EPM community and simply all of the research, tools, strategies, and premium instruction we received. The modules, videos, materials, group coaching, hot seats… seriously? This is truly a MASTERCLASS like no other.

I’ve been an educator for 15 years. I know education. I know curriculum. I know engagement. THIS is what school should look like. This is how you structure and teach. This is how you engage. This is it. Look no further.

Back to my success. I’ve been fearing “launching” for several months. It scared the daylights out of me (I sound like my grandmother). I admit, I’m a RELUCTANT Chatterboxer (scared to death to put myself out there as a marketer), but Marisa is right, it converts, especially for those of us just getting started. So, I consider my initial steps a soft launch as I work on creating my “Website ATM.”

When I started Chatterboxing, I didn’t even realize I was doing it. I didn’t think I was ready to put my product out there. An acquaintance asked me what I had been up to, besides being a hermit (kidding…sorta), I told them about my vision and the product that is going to change lives.

From there, I gained my first client (and at a premium price point). It didn’t even feel like work. It came natural… once I started talking, my passion came through… my energy. Then, while at a workshop, it happened AGAIN––naturally. I’ve never felt more prepared (normally, I’d be walking around with sticky notes, index cards, and talking points glued to my forehead). And then, once more, while in the waiting room at my oncology appointment…BOOM! My third client!

My survey and application campaigns went well considering the low numbers I’ve had enrollment conversations with (remember, I started out bashfully). I reached out to a few of those who said yes to receiving the results of my survey, and so far, I received two yeses in the form $997 each! I have more to go contact!

I even employed the strategies (the mission statement) with another service I offer, and… well, I think you get the picture.

Finally, when I started EPM, I was planning on a $197-$397 product range, but EMP taught me the value in what I do. I understand now that if I value what I do, my client will be more likely to value the experience which will bring them the results. My range is now $997-$1997, and I’m going to add another product at a lower price point for lead generation.

Very long story short: heading into Graduation, I’m just $515 shy of my INITIAL STRETCH GOAL of $12K…. You know, the one I sold myself short on. Imagine what I will do when I raise that bar and finish the tech side of my marketing!?!?

EPM is structured so that if you follow the steps–and I’d add–if you are in alignment with essentially your “who, what, when, where, and why,” then you’re going to be succeed. Even if you don’t meet your goals, you will learn from your FLUBS, and that is success in its own right!

I feel stronger and more focused, and I know that the foundation I’m building in my product is rock solid and will lead to an incredible suite of products and services to follow. I’m attending Message to Money, and I cannot wait to breath life into the bigger picture of my business.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
It doesn’t have to be perfect. Seriously, knock off the MIND-MESS and JUST DO IT! Start with SOMETHING. From there, clarity will come as you continue getting comfortable in the uncomfortable. I personally don’t believe anyone has a straight, clean road to success. Despite knowing this, it is still so hard to open that door and take that step. The worry and agony over “is this the right thing” is such a waste of time. Stop wasting time! You can do it. … I can do it.
I did it.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Oh, wow… It helped me take my idea that’s been collecting dust and see it through from start to finished in an ORGANIZED and PRODUCTIVE way. It helped me reset my mindset… that’s a module within my program and a future program on it’s own, by the way!
I completed.
I graduated.
I EXCEEDED my expectations and in the process, I learned how to raise the bar on my potential, AND more importantly, the potential of my students and clients.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
It’s given me the confidence to know I made the right decision in leaving my career in educational administration… in knowing that I can do this… in believing that I have a massive group of people out there who need (and WANT) exactly what I have to offer! It gives me security in using a proven process to create a product that will get results over, and over.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
My WHY was always there, but now it’s super clear and how to get to my WHO is even clearer. And, well, my website is no longer a placeholder. It has purpose. I’m no longer hiding under the covers of fear–I’m DOING! As I’m doing, my vision is growing. I had a ten-foot pole between me and implementation of my business.
We are now one.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Everything! I realize that even though I iterated and reiterated throughout the past several weeks, this is in essence my first draft. I cannot wait to go through this process again and again and step into the movement I’ve had on my heart since being diagnosed with cancer and looking mortality in the eyes on more than one occasion.

I’m excited for the burdened souls who are going to EXPERIENCE Success without Sacrifice–The Broken to Brave Transformation and how their lives are going to change, how they will be empowered to live in the present moment with the ripple effect of improving just about every aspect of their lives (that is, if they truly engage and carry out their mission in full).

Is there anything else you would like to add?
Yes. When I came across the Marisa’s Masterclass back in October, I was preparing for my 2nd surgery in 3 months.

I was beyond broke (and still am; we have doctor bills and debt beyond what anyone can probably imagine—I went from a $120K salary a year to almost dying and quitting my career to spend time with my family, and with what energy I had left, TRY LIKE HELL to carry out my vision, my movement...).

I was bouncing back from a situation where my doctors were placing me on Palliative Care. And, I was running VERY low on HOPE.

I was thinking I made the biggest mistake of my life in leaving my career to pursue my passion. I really couldn’t afford it, but something drew me in… it was the EXPERIENCE Marisa was promising, it was the energy, it was the humor (I relate and felt like I could be myself), and it was the result that was mine if I followed the program. I wanted to create my own product, just like hers.

Since jumping aboard, I’ve had a few more battles (health-wise); however, I’ve NEVER been more engaged. Never. I was so convinced that I found my “home” here that I migrated my site to Heroic and I jumped aboard the Xperiencify train.

In the near future, I see myself furthering my career through Mentorship and Labs, and who knows what else.
I’m in.
All chips are in.
I've got to rebuild the bank a bit,
but I'm in.
Thank you for helping me to reignite my passion and purpose.