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Mariko Hirakawa's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Mariko Hirakawa

I had this old limiting belief that you had to work yourself ragged to earn and survive. So that was the reality I lived. I taught 30+ sessions running around the city, and by the end of the day, I was exhausted, and I had no time to enjoy life outside of work.

My biggest external shift is that now I feel comfortable offering High-Ticket programs and guide my clients through a progressive series of steps within my System that allows them to feel the forward momentum and get them results. The internal shift that allowed me to step into my new reality is the awareness that I had to be the living embodiment of what my clients wanted - ease, grace, and honoring everyone's intrinsic worth.

My big aha during my enrollment conversation was that these conversations are not about manipulating people into buying. For me, it wasn't so much about the words I said what I embodied as I said them. When I focused on holding the space for them to be fully expressed, and my commitment to being of service no matter what, these conversations felt effortless and enjoyable.

Another huge external shift is that I held my very first webinar where 56 people registered, and 30 showed up live! I was very intimidated about holding a webinar, but once I got rolling, I actually enjoyed it very much. This was just a couple of days ago, and I sold one unit of my group coaching program. I learned that by setting a date and inviting your tribe, you put a stake in the ground and take a stand for your work. matter how scared you are or think you can't do it, you show up and pull through because your Mission depends on it!

My self-confidence has grown SO much because of this, and I feel I trust myself more with bigger things. I hit Mission Accomplished in week 2 of EPM by speaking with a friend who wanted guidance. By week 8 I had earned $11,247 with three private clients and one group coaching package sold.

One of my big WHY's for embracing the entrepreneurial path was to be able to afford more family get-togethers with my family, which is scattered in Japan, India, East and West Coast. This summer, I'm definitely going to invite my parents to join me for a Bucket List trip!