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Elaine Gibson's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Elaine Gibson

Before I joined EPM, I was running my business "shooting from the hip!" I know I am really good at what I do, however, I had not figured out how to deliver my content and how to run a real business. For several years I have been producing fabulous workshops, always sold out, unique and loved by participants. I would have requests for discovery calls and I could not bring myself to even follow up because I didn't have a clue on what to offer other than private coaching. Even that was suffering because I always felt inadequate and not ready for the success I knew was around the corner. My clients always have wonderful success yet I was paralyzed.

Now, everything has changed! EPM came across my path at the perfect time...the student was ready. Clarity led to confidence and I have a skip in my step now. During EPM, I earned $12,000 from 3 clients; 2 were 3 month programs and 1 VIP DAY. It was like magic, as soon as I was clear, doors opened. In addition, I sold $3,000 in technology product. Crazy. With my renewed clarity, confidence and Marissa's training, I am positioned to make the impact I believe I am here for.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?

My biggest takeaway from EMP is that there is a proven path to create the road map for others I am called to share.

How did EPM help you become successful?

First, my coach, Samara, helped me understand how to create a front door that my ideal client can connect with and want to enter. I came to EPM with an in person live 1:1 and 1:few program. In the past it has been challenging to find a way to simplify and clarify the language that will attract prospective clients. Next, the example of how EPM delivers content for the program is a huge and powerful model to follow. Then, there is the part about my gaining confidence and finding a voice describing what I am here to share.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?

Where do I begin?! This is exactly the missing piece that is often what can paralyze me. I know I am really good at what I do, however, I have not found a way to create and deliver in the premium way that I find important. Absolutely love the joy and celebrations built in.

What has been the biggest change in your business?

My confidence and clarity have empowered me to take a stand for the extraordinary women I work with. Now that I am able to have the prescription that is exactly what they need, they see it. The $12,000 I have made is from 2 clients at 3 months and a VIP DAY. Same content. Before EPM I was getting the same $ for 6 months!! In all honesty, the biggest change is that I KNOW I am on the path to great success and this is an energy shift. No more hope....absolute certainty!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?

Launching my online group program. YAY!!!! A dream come true