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Ruth Mannshreck 's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Ruth Mannshreck

I love my offline, face-to-face Mentoring Business, but I knew I needed an online version of all of my work if I was to reach a bigger audience and make a bigger impact. I absolutely LOVE the idea of experiencifying a program so that people actually finish it and put things into action. I didn't want a boring program that people would buy and then not finish. So, initially, I came for the idea of improving engagement.

But what I actually learned was far more all-encompassing than I ever imagined. She gave us ALL the tools we needed to get a program off the ground in 10 weeks. Unbelievable. Thank you so much!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
(Do I only get one??) Clarity! 1. On my customers' perception of their problem 2. On my BIG WHY I do this 3. On language that gets their attention But just as big to me - Normalizing Challenges. I had to go back and sprinkle this throughout all my modules. Thank you! for sooooo many examples and tools. Fonts and colors. Just wonderful.

How did EPM help you become successful?
1. Gave me the strategy (and the schedule). 2. Permission to iterate - not be perfect the first time 3. Sooo many examples - cuz I need suggestions

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I can't wait for the next iteration of my marketing! This will be a successful revenue stream to add to my existing business. My first dance into the online world.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I don't think it has shown up yet. I want to add this online portion to help me leverage my face-to-face revenue.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I CAN DO THIS! My next version will be even more successful. My online presence (which I have none now) will be focused and connected. I love face-to-face, but there are time constraints. Online will free up time for me, extend my reach, help me make a bigger impact. Oh, and make more money. :)