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Susanne Hemet's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Susanne Hemet

I had developed a really great product and taken a handful of people through the Beta version of it but was having a really difficult time gaining traction when I tried officially launching for a second time. I wasn’t sure what to do. It felt like my marketing materials were missing the mark and I was losing confidence fast. I joined Experience Product MasterClass and was able to really drill down further on who this product would best serve and what they needed from me in order to see that. I also learned some different marketing campaign strategies that I could use to get the leads that seemed so ellusive to me before. I am now well on my way to relaunching my product and feel assured that either one of two things will happen -- either it will be a success this time, or I will have the tools to pivot and reiterate my way to awesome.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
My biggest takeaway was to get even more clear on who I serve and the importance of grounding the value of what I offer to a problem that my market is willing to pay money to solve.

How did EPM help you become successful?
EPM provided not only great training materials but the support and accountability needed to implement what I was learning as I was learning, rather than letting it just become "shelf help" like so many other programs before it.

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
Although I did not launch my product within the time frame of the program, I know that I have the fundamentals and the continuing support of the EPM Facebook community going forward. And if my product isn't a success right out of the gate, I know I can "iterate it to awesome" over time.