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Sonia Roy 's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Sonia Roy

I had been tossing ideas about my business for years now. Running a family of 3 kids (partly homeschooled) with a workaholic husband I've had visions brewing in my head waiting to be organized and manifested. I was patiently waiting for the right time when I would align my desires and when I would find the right coach. That's when Marisa found her way into my inbox. Her passion and ideology instantly caught me and I am so glad I made the jump. It was a big investment for me/us and I had a lot of convincing to do with my husband. But ever since I opted in it was constantly reminded to me that I had made the right choice. I loved the approach and the community I was becoming a part of. I loved that I was constantly reminded that it was normal to struggle and feel overwhelmed and to take it one simple step at a time. I loved discovering the power of being a superhero. But mainly, I had so much fun delving into what was to become the manifestation of my dream: launching my singing training program.

Meanwhile, half way through, just as I was about to delve into the marketing part (the most daunting for me), my husband had a car accident and my life was thrown up in the air. No more structure, no more routine, no more assurance of any kind that I would be able to see this through. I just had to trust. Thankfully, Marisa and her team had make it clear since the beginning that this was to be expected. That when you're on the road to success every possible obstacle can come in the way. Just keep pushing through. Just keep your goal in view. And I did. I am blown away that I have made it to mission accomplished considering all the challenges I've been through. And they're not over. But at least this victory gives me strength. And now I have the strength and confidence to push through and deliver my product. Yay! What a rewarding experience!

The blessings keep revealing themselves. And of course this is just the beginning. I can't wait to delve into the rest of what this program gives me access to, bonuses and all I wasn't able to get to. I'm gonna take it one simple step at a time and have fun doing it! Sweet as! HUGE Gratitude for the whole LYM team and Marisa's generous and inspiring nature. Sonia.