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Evi Xyrafa's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Evi Xyrafa

"I joined EPM for the second time, after 2021, to get some help with coaching to clarify my niche. I am an experienced course creator and a coach, with 22 years of experience in total, and I have a successful business in training and coaching for 10 years in Greece.

During these years I have created personally more than 100 different courses (some of them successful, some not at all, and targeting so many different groups of people, like students, parents, free lancers, entrepreneurs, you name it…) and also a signature program, that I have been running for 9 years.

My signature program is successful both in terms of results for the clients and sales, but with a lot of struggle, because it doesn’t target a specific group pf people or solve one specific problem, but many at the same time.
Now the challenge I faced was that I spread myself too thin, with all this creativity and I didn't build a solid brand for myself ever, but for my company.

Since 2020 after Covid hit, I put myself into learning and attending all kinds of courses about marketing, sales, digital marketing…, to understand what I was doing wrong. Basically I pivoted to an entirely online business, that I didn’t have the knowledge for that. It was like starting from scratch again. That’s why I joined EPM in 2021 and now in the end of 2023.

So my goal this time was to launch a new business and build an international career as a coach and trainer. But I didn't want to repeat the same mistake of going in so many directions and exhaust myself. All these different courses was definitely my choice and an expression of my creativity, but all in all, I invested an enormous amount of time, and energy and money, that didn’t translate in the bottom line, to be honest. I could have made a lot more money as a business, I believe, if I hadn’t done that.

I joined EPM in 2023 to get help, specifically with the coaching, so that I choose a niche and a core solution that I could prove demand, before I put myself in the creation mode.

In the beginning I started with another idea for my product, thinking that I could teach new course creators the communication skills that they need to thrive in this business. After one coaching session with Uwe in our pod, I quickly decided to pivot, because I realised that I had no idea what problems they faced, so it was not worth targeting them.

So my new idea, was something I have seen over and over again with my clients, that they struggled being assertive and more specifically with setting boundaries, which resulted in all sorts of problems for them.

EPM was very helpful, because it gave me the structure and the tools to choose a niche and a product, that I could prove that is successful before I make it.

This idea of selling something before creating it was a revelation for me and a revolution! I struggled for 2 years (since the first EPM) to accept it, let alone apply it. But this time I did and it was amazing. I had a strategy, with specific steps that I followed, with devotion.

I created a survey and I had in total 200 responses. Then I organised a free webinar 3 different times, to explain the results of the survey, and invite them to a paid solution. Then I called almost 100 of them that said they would need support, with either online training or group coaching.

So I sold my new course, that is a coaching and training program for 12 weeks, and I had 7 clients in total. I am starting my first class tomorrow! YEAY!
Next month I will also organize another workshop, that I will do live in 3 weekends, and I I will invite those who already said they are interested.

I also had one client on a coaching package individually, for the same subject, again 12 weeks and maybe have more in the near future that were interested.

Bottom line, my whole journey in EPM was very successful this time and very enjoyable. Especially our coaching calls with Coach Uwe, were such a beautiful experience, that I will miss so much.

Uwe is so professional, so organised, doing everything with a clear structure and intention, that was so helpful for me to watch and observe. At the same time, he was so loving and respectful, and very insightful, achieving results in such a timely manner. I am really impressed! Being a coach myself, it was a delight to watch such a high level of coaching, either in side ways coaching, or being in the “hot seat” myself.

I am very grateful that you fulfilled my wish and I was in a pod with coach Uwe, because I admired him from the past, and really wanted to be in his group and receive his wisdom first hand. He really stands out from the team of coaches. He is definitely a keeper!

That is all for me. Thank you so much for this wonderful experience.
It is an inspiration to watch Marisa living her message and achieving such a huge vision. It gives me courage and real belief that I cal also achieve mine. Thank you so much!

God bless you all in this beautiful company and I love you so much!
Take care!

Evi Xyrafa"