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Tina Mulhern's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Tina Mulhern

I wasn't sure if I would ever work again. I simply didn't show up for my clients' appointments, more than once. You see most days, I didn't know the date on the calendar There I was, a seasoned therapist with decades of experience, swimming against the current of a brain disorder. I've felt the confusion, the despair, the fear that comes with feeling like stress has a hold on me. It was a time when Covid Long Haul had gripped my brain, distorting my thinking, robbing me of my memories. I know what it's like to feel trapped, to feel like you're losing a battle that's being fought within your own mind and body. I remember the torment of each day, the ceaseless struggle that seemed to have no end. I felt like I'd lost myself, my purpose, my calling. Understanding the power of the brain to heal through decades of working with brain-based healing strategies, I knew if I could just keep my brain sharp it might not continue to decay. I got certified as a neuroscience coach and then knew I needed to take a class right away. The class had to be be engaging, and purposeful and with the right people. I landed on a Webinar with Marisa in a course called EPM and was so excited I signed up right in the middle of the Webinar. I wasn't looking for a training program for online course creation, but what the heck. The last time I jumped into a training program the day I found it, was a Real Estate course and I earned 6 figures at 23 years old in the 80's. I had 86 people working for me a few years later and let's just say, ten years flew by. The EPM course was fun, it kept my brain busy, really busy and I had a great feeling about it, just like I did in the 80's. After long hours, even some all nighters, I managed through the material. Sometimes it was a slog, but mostly I was exhilerated. I was creating a course for people like me, stressed yet able to heal with neoro-based strategies to build brain resiliency. Graduation date was on my calendar and I showed up! That's the power of resilience. That's the power of hope.

There I was, clicking away... getting my dopamine hits, quickly trying to take screen shots so I could capture my XP and XXP totals. Somehow, I thought that those Ka-Chings and bright colors flying across the screen might be the only proof that I could actually keep going. How could I have missed the mark, not just a little bit, a lot! Niche down, niche down I heard over and over in my own head. Did that mean I had to niche myself into a corner, a place that there was no light, no joy, no passion? Oh crap, how could I have not known until half way through the program that I had lost my passion about the choice I made. Ah, the dopamine had clouded my rational mind, yes that must be it. I woke up, in the wee hours of the morning and it hit me, pivot 15 degrees 25, 40? Whatever it takes to get your passion back. Coach was a willing partner and blessed my request with a slight cautionary tone regarding timing of my decision. He could hear in my expression that my newfound passion would propel me beyond the call of duty and I'd get those Ka-chings moving at lightning speed. That's the thing about the coaches in EPM, they support us, they hold us, they know things we don't. Right around the corner of a pivot is a mission accomplished. At least it was for me and so many others.

And so the story goes like this. What kind of person, who is a Feng Shui practitioner, a minimalist, energy savvy with nary a thing out of place nor an extra object taking up residence in her home would seriously be motivated by a set of plastic teeth, sitting one day in the near future chattering away in her candlelit office? It boggles my mind that I was hit with FOMO - and if it weren't for those teeth that Marisa was so excited about, I likely would not have moved on my chatterboxing campaign when I did. It would have been so much easier to wait until after the holidays, but hey... I wanted to call and catch up with people anyway. Then a prior client called me, needed a simple favor for a friend. Sure, she knew it would be an easy yes, I adore her. It gave us a chance to catch up and surely, not only did she want to join my course, she was quite sure her friend, the one that need the favor, would be interested too- as well as her daughter.. ... How sweet was that?... I hung up and thought of the teeth and a silly little grin formed across my face - no Fear Of Missing Out happening that day. It's odd what can subconsciously motivate us. But one thing is for certain. At EPM, keeping us motivated and wanting us to succeed is no game. They know we have a mission, a purpose, a desire and we don't want to miss out on our chance to prove to ourselves we can do it.

How do you prove an idea? What's the proof, it's an idea! It's in my head, but not in the world, at least not right away. Our thoughts become our reality, then that reality is in the world. It becomes what is. How often do people have a vision, or other senses indicating that something in their mind is actually already forming in the physical world, yet there is no physical proof? For me, that is what I sometimes refer to as an intention. I intend things into being. Some call it magical thinking. Some refer to it as being in the zone, flow, or the law of attraction. I call it, way of life, at least my life and so many others who operate in this way. When my client Judy called for a favor and we began connecting, there was a knowing, an ease an "isness". I call things that are just what "is" which hasn't formed in the physical world yet but are present, "isness". I've known about "isness" since I was a child and had to make sense of the world - a crazy, dangerous, odd world. Orphaned at 2 years old, then again at 6, then again at 13... domestic violence, broken bones, abandonment, vehicular homicide, molestation, corporal punishment, imprisonment - placing myself in foster care- stuff horror films are made of, things that make Oprah cry..and finding peace, love, forgiveness, joy, family, self-worth and "isness". My idea was proven in the state of "isness" in the number three, just like one of the EPM requirements 1) Judy, 2) her friend and 3) her daughter... before we even spoke that day. Some people are connected to that world, it's just the way it is. We don't question it. We like it like this... it's easy. It works. It's better than the alternative.

Pivot... that's what we do here at EPM. It's a good thing. It keeps us going. It provides momentum. Well, I was no stranger to pivoting and I decided that in order to get to mission accomplished, I couldn't keep going with a 12-week course. Pivot. I didn't want to offer my Mindset Reset for Stress course to therapists. Pivot. I couldn't know, with less than 7 weeks left in the program, if it would sell for full price or if it would fly as a 21-day course so - reduce the price and make it Beta - Pivot. What would that do to the big dream of XX$ and beyond???? Pivot. Then I realized as I contemplated my prior successes in building businesses. I never advertised, was never on social media (they didn't have that in the early 90's). Instead, my business growth, no matter which entrepreneurial venture I created, always grew to 6 figures by word of mouth. So, my "beyond" didn't need to be any of the things I had imagined those early days of EPM. Sure, I'd made my investment back and… beyond, but my real beyond was something far greater, something without a dollar sign. My beyond was my personal reputation, my integrity, my honor, my work ethics. Okay, I had the problem that decisions I made weren't spot on and I needed to pivot thus the dollars earned decreased. But, as I moved along with chatterboxing and I connected with prior and current clients, another value became evident. A value that I had overlooked when I was writing dollar signs and zeros on my goal sheet. Those too will come, especially now that I have reconnected with my true worth.

The biggest change in my business is that now I have a business! Thanks to Marisa, Murray and Crew and my own Fortitude - in Sonia's terminology - I am once again Becoming Unsinkable and Bouncing Back Big :) I had 3 service businesses when Covid 19 hit in the Boston area -My Holistic Health Center that I own, The Holistic Health Centers that I had long-term investments on (6 figure passive income) and my lucrative private therapy practice all were shut down on same day on March 14, 2020 by the government and remained shuttered for more than a year. Financial devastation in addition to long-term illness. It has given me a way to earn income and live my big selfish why and my altruistic why. My biggest take away is that now I am in momentum I will remain in momentum. Bedridden for 1 1/2 years, sick for nearly 4 is the opposite of momentum. I choose Momentum! I can return to helping people and providing form my family :)

I love the EPM and Xperiencify FAMILY - Wakanda Forever!