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EG Orren's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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EG Orren

"I found a lot of challenges in aspiring copywriters and marketers WANT to make a career change and start a freelance business but we having trouble with confidence in their experience and ability to get started ... they didn't know how to position themselves and speak to prospects with authority ... in over 1,000 hours of coaching and mentoring since the pandemic, that became the most common pain point.

I joined EPM to find a way to create a small group coaching program where they had a place to learn and a safe space that offered support to realize they have what they need ... they just need help seeing it and explaining it to others

I targeted the wrong audience to start with ... while chatterboxing proved there was value, I was trying to get people to pay for access when they already had access to me for free.

Because I also had a lot of health issues that also had me hospitalized, and had a coach that didn't want me to pivot, I ran out of time to do what I really wanted to do with this ... so I was honest with the people that joined my list to get the survey and offered the beta at no charge with certain time and feedback commitments in exchange ... so I got 3 to say yes

I'm hoping to get 5 before the official start of the beta launch but since that email went out this morning that I got 3 is great ... and even if I don't get the 5, I have enough to start the paper plane and use the feedback and results to build a the next version that WILL have a fee ... and time to target a more appropriate audience

wanting to scale to help more people but health issues having me working less can reach more people faster without the physically draining pressure to do it all 1-to-1 it's possible to build almost anything into an experience product that resonates with the student, allows them to learn more, and create an organic internal ascension model. helping more creative entrepreneurs, additional income stream, without the increased workload

"sign me up for an EPM/Xperiencify certification combo ... it's very much needed ... having the program uploaded IS helpful but a consultant to review the program and how it fits into XP along with recommendations on what to add/modify not only give the course creator more confidence in their program, it creates a better user experience so students have few friction points and are able to get through.

not to mention a second set of marketing and copywriting eyes to review (and read) for clarity can pay for itself exponentially

I know because I've had someone pay me to help them and I'd love to see that option be available to other EPM graduates ... with the pre-requisite being they've gone through the paper plane version live and have feedback from students to revise"