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Sonya Barnes's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Sonya Barnes

I have been wanting to offer a course as a way to gain more clients and have seen many advertisements on the media. I actually attended a free webinar session, I think a year or two years ago but did not have the finances to purchase the course. Here i am again, still without finances scrimping through but now reached Mission Accomplished! In the beginning stages of EP had issues completing the milestones early as i saw from others in the EPM facebook chat. I was getting frustrated of not being able to use Ainslee at the start and only manage to during the last week. I persevered and now i have completed the course hoping to get some sales soon.

I became unwell following stillbirth of my baby boy. I developed chronic gut issues and sleep deprived. I went on a quest to see how i could get help as my GP medication was not working. Being an advocate of living a healthy lifestyle i wanted to try the natural way to support my body. At the time my healthy eating was no where it should be. I started working with a Naturopathic practitioner which was a game changer. Implementing the guidelines and recommendation, i started experiencing changes in my gut symptoms and improved sleep. I want to share my message to professional women over 30 experiencing gut health who want to improve to feel energised and productive each day. Their transformation is possible to live their purpose.

Getting clarity on my message and who i help. Tuggling with niche, sleep and gut health as both impacts each other so which to use for marketing. build clarity and more confidence to go to marketing for more success. Helped me to reflect on my personal journey and what i have achieved with my health to help others. The structure to include mission statement, future self, audience statement became clearer. What to offer as bonus but the make takeaway is the Chatterboxing! In a better position to sell product.

I would have liked to know and trial the Chatterboxing a bit earlier before planning out the course content but Marisa is the best i have come across in helping me with this.