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Samantha Parsons's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Samantha Parsons

I was having a troubling time with narrowing down what my niche is for this time in my business and who my audience was within that niche. After REALLY doing the work within EPM I was able to be confident with choosing who I wanted to start serving. I wasn't sure what to do to help my audience. I wasn't sure how to speak to them and their pain points. I learned how to speak to their pain points. I joined the Experience Product Masterclass through Live Your Message and learned that it's okay just to start somewhere and gain experience and feedback as you go to really iterate your way to awesome and essentially find your way to where you want to be, who you want to be, and how you want to show up in your business and in the lives of your clients. Thanks to all the resources and the guidelines I was able to follow within a 12-week time commitment I was able to set a plan in motion for the now. To take off with something now. Instead of waiting for all the perfect answers and time because I was able to discover where it's worth starting and that's it's okay to pivot as you go. I'm able to actually begin and do the things and do them with confidence!

My outlook and confidence. EPM and the amount of groundwork that I did within the program has impacted my life by teaching me the breakdown of putting a business idea into motion. How to test its simplest form first and then expand after proving your idea so that you can begin to do something that you love and get the results that you're looking for without wasting a ton of time first with trying to get everything right. I love that approach. I'm going to be able to put so many ideas and dreams to test to see which ones will really fly and which ones need work and be able to do the work sooner to get the results I'm looking for sooner because I've been taught how to do just that. Keep going. Get out there and get as many noes as you can because you are going to get a lot of noes before you get yeses. Thats how it works so don't get discouraged. Keep pivoting and keep going. It's all a process. Progress over perfection. So much. The biggest being, making money.

My EPM coach, Coach Maria Gavriel was such a pleasure to work with. I'm forever grateful that I had her by my side with such incredible insight the entire time. Thank you for assigning us to work together throughout this program!