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Tara Treiberg's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Tara Treiberg

The problem I was having with my business was too much one on one or in-person workshops one company at a time. I wanted to take my work online and teach the key things that I know work and not always customize per client or company. Being busy has held me back from taking the time to sit down and figure out how to create an online course and what material to start with, as I have lots of ideas and a ton of effective things I teach. I was getting frustrated that I did not know where to start and being a recovering Type A perfectionist I wanted it to be Perfect! I joined EPM and I have already learned soooo much and I have not even finished watching all the modules or listening to all the coaching calls so I know what I have learned so far is just the tip of the iceberg of what I will get from this program! Marisa breaks things down in very easy manageable steps. Her modules are interesting, engaging and she shows you how to implement what you have learned in actionable steps. I was so inspired by the program that I captured in detail all the products/workshops I am excited to run through this process and finally start selling. I love how all the templates can be used over and over again for my growing success. The BIGGEST thing that I got out of this program was the concept of "Minimal Viable Product". As a recovering Type A perfectionist I regularly get trapped in the habit of building in isolation and drawing things out and not launching when I know I can. This process encouraged me to get my product out there and use the feedback from my audience and clients to "iterate my way to AWESOME"!!! I know this will make a HUGE difference in my business going forward as I have a lot I want to share with the world and EPM has helped me more effective at getting it out there! THANK YOU!

The problem I was having with my business was too much one on one or in-person workshops one company at a time. I wanted to take my work online and teach the key things that I know work and not always customize per client or company. A constant challenge I was having was too many ideas and taking too much time trying to make it perfect before I launch those ideas. I joined EPM and the concept "Minimal viable product" was exactly what I needed. At the beginning of the course I was unconsciously resisting it. I was going about things the way I always do, trying to have it all figured out and written perfectly before I launch. Finally I realized what I was doing and took the leap and started talking to a prospect with just a rough outline. Having done the steps regarding being clear who my audience is, what the mission is, what I would be covering and what they would get out of it made it easier to have the conversations. It made nervous to step out of my comfort zone as I have high standards for the work I deliver. But they said YES! I am going to replicate this over and over again with all my product ideas and cannot wait!!! This program is what I needed to get myself out there in a new way!

The problem I was having with my business was too much one on one or in-person workshops one company at a time. I wanted to take my work online and teach the key things that I know work and not always customize per client or company. A constant challenge I was having was too many ideas and taking too much time trying to make it perfect before I launch those ideas. I joined EPM and the concept "Minimal viable product" was exactly what I needed. At the beginning of the course I was unconsciously resisting it. I was going about things the way I always do, trying to have it all figured out and written perfectly before I launch. Finally I realized what I was doing and took the leap and started talking to a prospect with just a rough outline. Having done the steps regarding being clear who my audience is, what the mission is, what I would be covering and what they would get out of it made it easier to have the conversations. It made nervous to step out of my comfort zone as I have high standards for the work I deliver. But they said YES! In fact they loved it so much that they are paying more to have me deliver my program one on one. This is allowing me to "iterate my way to awesome" with real client feedback and my own experience delivering it is allowing me to see ways I can continue to improve my product! I have already made half of what this program cost and the client wants more!

Not keeping my ideas locked up, writing in isolation, waiting for things to be done perfectly. The "Minimal Viable Product" idea will help me get my ideas out and faster! I am more energized and excited about my business because I have a proven process to help me get my ideas out in the world and faster! "Minimal viable product" and "iterate your way to awesome!" More more money and less time.

Marisa and the EPM materials are awesome and I still have so much more to explore with the materials (e.g. coaching calls I could not attend, sales module, etc) but I want to do a special shout out to Matthew Turton for his awesome coaching, tips and support. He is truly passionate about group and their success. I also want to thank Heather who reached to me to make sure I did not miss out on my free ticket and ended providing me support in crossing the finish line. Lastly, Ainslee AI helped me when I was stuck writing and made whole experience easier. Such an amazing addition to the program to help the students succeed and it inspired me to get more creative about how I can use AI more often in my business to make things easier and more effective. THANK YOU!