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Marie-Claude (MC) Lessard's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Marie-Claude (MC) Lessard

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"I have been having trouble attracting 1:1 clients in my coaching practice because I relied on irregular social media postings, inconsistent blogging, and my new podcast to create leads. Joining EPM has made me realize that I have been negating my own value by passively prospecting. Marisa also sold me on the concept that ""specificity sells""! This is such a counterintuitive strategy when you look at it on the surface but it is so obvious when you recognize that you can't REACH - or MOVE - your audience by shooting from the hip.

For the past month, I have been chatterboxing like a mad woman! It feels so comfortable - even energizing!!! - now that I'm focusing on SERVING my client rather than pushing a sale. The interesting thing is that I've known this for years but, clearly, my lack loop was running the show. My financial insecurity made me come across as a hungry wolf!

At the moment, I have a very warm lead who will apparently circle back this evening.

I also wrote 3 proposals in the past 3 weeks for work totalling $13 050 CDN. I had not written a proposal since Nov. 2022! For the record, I would qualify 1 lead as warm and the other 2 as lukewarm.

I've also decided to include episodes in ENG in my FR podcast so as to reach my ideal client in both communities. Thanks to AI, translating is no longer a chronophagous affair!

All of this has been possible because of the inner shift - from reluctant prospector to committed customer-centred coach - that happened as I consistently completed the practical and engaging EPM modules, participated in the calls and FB community, and took advantage of Coach Carolyn's wise guidance."

The way that I present myself to prospective clients, nurture referrals and engage in professional relationships on social media platforms. The whole EPM Team has helped me my ability to build an ethical and profitable coaching business. THANK YOU to you Marisa, Murray, and the whole Crew!#progressoverperfection AND #iteratetoawesome "I have a film-director/producer friend who has been hounding me to spend a day with him to create 'something'. Although I wanted to engage, I did not feel like I could step away from my near-zero-generating business. I felt like this would be a distraction.

In the past week, I've realized that our partnership might be the key to the BIG DREAM I've had of producing a reality show where people come to learn about forgiveness and then are put in the same room as the offender...

Let's see where this goes

Did I say I was eagerly waiting for an affiliate link?! JK