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Christina's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023


I was having trouble deciding what area to develop a course in, I wasn't sure how to market to my target audience. I joined the Experience Product Masterclass and I learned how to find my audience and how to engage them in a conversation. I joined groups and forums where my audience hang out. I started commenting in those groups, building connections slowly.

It hasn't changed my business yet. It hasn't impacted my life yet. I'm going to go back through the content again and do it more slowly. It was too rushed for me starting from scratch. Chatterboxing and pivoting, but I'm still learning to spot opportunities to initiate a conversation and pivot the conversation. I'm more likely to build a tribe in the future, around the problem area, than I was before.

"It would be helpful if there was a check-off list of all the things you need to do to get your product done. There is EPM Program Checklist of all the modules and milestones, and there is the Milestone Document, but they are so content heavy and the Milestone Document is clumsy and not user friendly. There must be a better system.
I did find a simple check-off list in the Support section, in the FAQ, in What is the Make Your Money Back Guarantee? If this simple table had a check-off box next to each one, and was made more easilly available, it would be so much easier to keep track and eliminate a lot of confusion.

The Money Back Guarantee should be more detailed and explicit before sign-up, especially to outline clearly what is involved in the 30 conversations. That was a lot more involved than I expected. Of course you don't give money back easily, but I would not have signed up if I'd been fully made aware of those requirements before paying. I found this to not be very transparent.

The Wisdom Wednesday Pod Calls should be in smaller groups. There were a lot of people toward the end of the program, who were still confused about the early stages or hadn't taken any steps yet (e.g. didn't even have a mission statement). It seems a lot of people were left behind. That there is absolutely no further support available for people after the 3 months is disappointing.

I don't feel I got a lot from the EMP at this time, but I'm hoping I will get more from it by going through it more slowly and implementing the steps with more congruence. Rushing through the steps, and the shallow answers provided by Ainslee, at times I haven't felt congruent with my Milestones.

I hope you get lots of feedback to improve the program. I'd love to see the statistics at the end of the program, to see how many people actually made their money back. Do you share that at any point?

I haven't signed up for LYM Live because, from what was said in Best Year Yet, it sounded like an upsell to the Momentum Program, which I'm not interested in. I need to integrate this first, but I guess that's the strategy, get 'em while they're still stuck in their problem.

My biggest take away has been witnessing and learning from how Marisa does what she does. Amazing!!"