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Marc Helfer's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Marc Helfer

"I was feeling stagnant and not challenged anymore, but I wasn’t sure how to create a business that not only aligned with my dreams and goals, but also had the scalability for financial success.

I joined EPM and learned how to create online courses from one of the best instructors I could have ever dreamed of. I didn't know Marisa, or EPM, before I found her, but it's been a life-changing experience.

I graduated, and thanks to my coaches and sessions, I have a great detailed plan to make money, deliver my product, and keep evolving it."

It feels like a blessing to have a proven foundation for success for online courses now. But even better is the reignited creativity, fun and passion to keep the courses growing. I can't believe how much fun, and addictive, getting all those ka-ching XPs were, and still are. Will have to find a way to keep them in my daily life LOL. But also highly impactful was the 2024 Game Plan Session with Marisa. Will do that after every New Year. Progress over Perfection' is one of the biggest takeaways. I'd probably still be looking for a perfect answer to a module 2 milestone LOL. But now 'Iterate Your Way to Awesome' is the nice practical counterbalance that allows growth, money and creativity to coexist. Now I have a product, and feel a calling, that are both aligned with my life and goals, and can be scaled successfully as it grows.

Can't wait for LYM Live in March.