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Seth Watson's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Seth Watson

"Chatterboxing is still difficult. My issue is getting leads to even talk to. I'm asking my friends and current network to refer me to people but still no luck.

However, in one of my writing masterclasses. A fellow student helped me with this very problem. One of my biggest engines at the moment is LinkedIn. And he gave me some pointers to his sales tracker and search criteria.

After the call, I explained the product and asked if he was interested. (He is a small business owner coaching sales strategies.) He said not at this time, but he would consider it in the future. He does understand the need for my services and agreed to send people my way if the need arises.

I consider this a win, especially considering before hand I haven't been able to get anyone far enough to explain my product.

Now leads are starting to trickle in, so I hope to have more opportunities in the coming weeks."

Getting started, now with a plan and viable path forward. Early to say, but it has proven to me that I can own a business and the tools to get started is within me. Now I just need to find the right mix. How important sales and marketing is. When this takes off, I'll be able to look after my 1 year old son and be able to provide flexibility to our 2 working parent family. That wouldn't exist if I worked a more traditional career.