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Marcia Roberts's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023

Marcia Roberts

When I came into this programme I was already in the middle of launching my first online course, however I joined Marisa's challenge and experienced something different and so I wanted to create the same feeling for my students.So despite working almost a year on my own platform and developing content for my course , I decided to start over and do it Marisa's way. In going through EPM I realised that my course didn't have clear targets or goals for my students to achieve and that is was just alot of good content eclipsing what their true outcome should be for my studnets. And it was then I realised that the reason I took over a year developing this course was because I was having a challenge streamlining my process as it relates to the flow of my modules and how much content I should put ineach module. I was getting stuck on what the final product should look like and what the price point should be.When I joined EPM it changed everything plus I got so much more. I was able to re-create my signature system within 3 days which broke up one course into 4 different courses each with a clear mission that my students can work towards.This did two things it allowed me to now create 4 products, that I feel confident my students would complete and not get overwhelmed with information overload and quit before the end. Secondly, based on this clarity I was also able to using the price strategy, price my products at a price point accesible to my audience with enough room for profit for myself without feeling like I was giving away too much. As a result I was able to create a course that I am proud of, that is solving a problem for my audience in an engaging manner and which generated an income for me for the first time in over a year.