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Teresa Wagstaff's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Teresa Wagstaff

I was having a problem designing a course. It was something I've been wanting to do for years. It was always to hard and I wasn’t sure what to do and it just made me feel inadequate and frustrated I joined Live Your Message and the EPM program and I found the way it was taught by Marisa and the team I discovered I could do it even though some days I was shaking in my boots. I went through each lesson and did one step at a time gaining confidence along the way but the butterflies still remain in my stomach. I have ended up with a course outline and I've got the start all ready knowing that I'll build it as I go.

I was having the problem of feeling I was always behind in the course (and I still am because I have only just finished module 3). I wasn’t sure what to do to really get my YesUCan Beat Chronic Pain Program to market thinking I won't be good enough for this. By joining Live Your Message and following each guided step I was able to get a real start on my Program and I realised I only need to keep one step ahead of my students and build it as I go.
I had a dear friend look at the work I've done and the videos too. I asked this friend to help me make sure my payment link worked and it did. I said I'd refund the money and was told no way I want to do the course.
So even though I don't feel ready, even though I'm scared stiff, even though I don't feel there's enough time in the day.... I'm doing this!

What's your biggest takeaway from EPM?
If you want something enough and with the right coach (Marisa Murgatroyd) YesUCan!

What's now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
This is my first course of many and watch my name because it's going to be big!