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Holly Kahmal's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Holly Kahmal

Your Mission Accomplished Story
I started EPM with an idea of creating an online program and selling it to large groups of people online. But I didn't have a website, hadn't built a list and barely had any online presence. In fact, I had another main job and most people in my personal life didn't know I was launching a coaching program. After excellent coaching from my EPM coach Domonique, and new perspective about 1:1 being my best bet of meeting mission accomplished, I decided to run a beta. Being someone who much prefers having everything already planned and laid out (perfectionistic) I was nervous about being able to sell an offer that wasn't fully created yet. But, as I "iterated my way to awesome" I started to really see the value in working and reworking my vision. Near the deadline, after casting out some lines, I was starting to think I wouldn't hit my mission accomplished-- which actually, was alright with me because I knew I was on the right path and that no matter what I would accomplish what I set out to do with all the awesome lessons I had been learning in EPM. I had one call booked a couple days before the deadline, and low and behold... I offered my program, which was only an outline at the time, at full price.... I knew, that if I followed the lessons and belief of iteration and making adjustments along the way based on my client feedback I could really make a difference. And then boom. My new client was booked, and I hit Mission Accomplished just under the wire. It was hugely eye-opening to me and a real testament to taking imperfect action.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
To chatterbox and have a solid mindset of iterating yourself to success. I went into EPM with the idea that I needed a website, proper funnels, email list etc. etc. etc. before I could sell $2000. Not to mention needing to have a perfect program. This was an incredible lesson in progress over perfection.

How did EPM help you become successful?
I had breakthroughs that will help me in anything I do going forward. I feel a lot more empowered and confident in my ability to market and sell my offers. And I made $$!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I've taken many other business programs out there-- and I never had one that pushed me into action as effectively. I don't have to have everything lined up in order to take efficient action or be good enough to offer my services and help others.
What has been the biggest change in your business?
I didn't have a business or concrete way to make money in it... and now I do!

What are you most excited about moving forward with your Experience Product?
I'm really excited to get through my beta participants so that I can feel really confident in making this 1:few and then eventually a 1:many program. I'm excited to see how I can grow and evolve using the tools I've gain in EPM.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I was still able to be successful and make money without completing everything perfectly, and I think that says a lot about the power of this program. Also-- just a big fat THANK YOU!