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Kathleen Murphy's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Kathleen Murphy

It’s wonderful!! I have completed Modules 1, 2, and 3 – primarily because it was so simple to understand how to reach the goal. At a few times I got lost in all the materials, but it was so easy to go back to the objective and understand immediately what I needed to do to meet the mission, and particularly exactly where I was in the process. I am not sure how others feel, but I feel like EPM was designed specifically for MY learning style! Thank you, Marisa & Team, for a product that has moved me further than any of the other valuable (& not so valuable) programs I have done over the years. And, I love that this is only the beginning!!

It’s like a miracle!! I have followed Marisa at a distance for years. I don’t know why I never engaged with one of her programs, maybe it was the marketing shift she says she made at some point, maybe the student was ready (wish I had gotten there years ago)!! I have wanted to launch a program since 2004! Yep…a while now. My vision for the program has evolved but the one thing I struggle with was feeling like I had a product. I always knew that I have a helpful and relevant basis for my HEALING WHAT AGES US program…but I didn’t have a product. All that marketing & other training…but I don’t have a product. I’d jump in, but I don’t have a product. Now I am so far into a brilliant product, designed to share my message with my customers and make a difference in their lives – in a way that is appropriate to them! Now I understand how to use market research to build an MVP product & bring it to market. Now I am free!! Now I don’t worry because I HAVE A VIABLE PRODUCT!! All that stuff about finding a tight niche, I now understand is a marketing issue and I can focus on one population for my MVP and I can also shift my marketing to address the needs of another population at another time. This has been so freeing. Now I can focus my audience statement without feeling like there is no other option. Freedom! Now I am released from needing a PERFECT introductory program rather than a PERFECT Signature Product right out of the gate. Now that I have a product, I have something tangible to offer! WOW !!! Thanks, Marisa, Coach Matthew, Murray, & Team I have brought someone to the enrollment conversation and even though she did not buy, at this time, I could see how EPM brought me such clarity that I was able to offer the same to the prospect/person. I was able to discuss her dreams with her in a way I don’t think she had been able to do on her own and I know she now sees something new for herself and I have no doubt she will join me when she sorts through all she got out of our conversation./ I will follow up with her, nurture her confidence & curiosity about what really is available to her to bring her talents out into the world in a new way for service, fun, and prosperity. - - - - I also want to acknowledge that the really major benefit for me was the EPM 2021 program - the whole thing - really took me through a lot of shifting of mindset! Marisa, I am sure you know exactly where that was structured throughout the program! I went from sad, demoralized, so desparate to get my message out there... to re-ignited, re-excited, re-committed to my Selfish & Altruistic WHY. I have been commited to this for more than 10 years but I did have to recognize that my hobby was just getting more and more expensive. But, now, I'M IN BUSINESS!! Thanks for standing for me until I could stand for myself. There is so much Adult Learner Wisdom in this program. Congratulations! Amazing how it all hangs together. That's my dream.