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Deb Monfette's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Deb Monfette

It all began with a 5-Day Free Challenge. This was the perfect vehicle to force me to step out of the perfection treadmill so that I could finish creating my program and start helping more entrepreneurs jump to the next level of success. But I was also looking to create a great experience with something new and unique. That’s when I stumbled onto EPM. I knew that it would give me the inspiration that I needed and when I needed it. Marisa is a real star and knows her stuff. And the information is priceless. I had to postpone the launch 3 times because many tech gremlins and covid got in the way. I held back my launch date till these obstacles were cleared. It was late morning Friday, November 12th when I made the decision to go for it. Monday was Day One. I personally reached out to 45 people in just 3 days and posted on just one Social Platform Facebook. I ended up getting 12 people to sign up. It was right before Thanksgiving so most of these people were in and out throughout the week and since it was late notice many people had other things booked. But I moved ahead and gave it my all. I used my magical product development team, my mindmaps and Scrivener notes, that I created, modified, and simplified over the last 7 years to help with the content creation method of Story—Teach—Action for each day. It was a challenge creating all the emails, texts, workbooks, Keynotes, checklists, and supporting content. But with all the tools and prior trainings I had, repurposing my existing content, CRM help, and referencing EPM training content, I got through it! It was a success and 2 businesses signed up for my offer for the 6-week Group Coaching Irresistible Lead Magnet Implementation Lab at $997! In this Lab, I was able to get up close to my students and make changes as needed. It has been a fantastic experience even as more obstacles tried to get in the way—more tech gremlins…more health and covid issues … Obstacles will always appear and you just have to figure out how to keep going. And I received amazing and invaluable feedback! The ILM Implementation Lab is 1 session away from being complete. I introduced my next offer, as I saw the need for an ILM Done For You Service including Repurposing and PromotionTips and Strategy at $2497. Both entrepreneurs are taking this offer. They want to save time and want an exceptional product to attract, delight, and convert a cold audience into endless Right-Fit Clients. This is what I love about EPM. I’m now going through the trainings again at EPM on things I missed and want to add to this new service. I didn’t take the Perfection route, so I have several changes to make. But that’s OK. EPM will be a repeat resource for me as I make edits to my first Challenge and Implementation Lab and as I add new offerings. In other words, SUPERCHARGE my services for my Right-Fit Clients. Thank You, Marisa, Coaches, Support, and EPM.