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Robert Campbell's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Robert Campbell

When I found this program, I naively believed I could replicate T Harv Eker and Egen Pagen's online digital programs. After I started the course, I realized I was deluding myself because I had not really been clear about how my new program would fit into my Master life plan. My goal is to transition out of my current job working 40-50 hours a week to working anywhere in the world working 40 hours a month. My big ah ah was looking for greener grass somewhere else when I realized grass is green where you water and fertilize the grass you are standing on. I went from planning to sell to many to sell to one, my existing network of business education providers. Chatter boxing forced me to 'package' my MVP into something that my network of 160 people could sell for me. So, my one-to-one sales presentation started with my own network leadership. I know now that if they buy, which I know they will this year, I can package my product and market to other existing networks around the United States.