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Nicola Walker's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Nicola Walker

I’m so grateful that I found Marisa and EPM! Where I am now is different from where I thought I would be and also way different from before. I hadn’t been getting any new clients over the last couple of years, I didn’t have a strategy for finding clients that was working and an ambitious outline for a new version of my program was overwhelming, even for me. I was recovering from my latest disappointment when intro workshops I tried to promote didn’t even happen. What totally impressed me was the painstaking coaching I received to go over and over the milestones that built a solid foundation for my program. I have experienced such a high level of support to laser in on my audience, niche and mission (8-9 versions of each) to ensure that I can actually be successful with my program — as long as I get out there and tell people about it! This is truly what a masterclass is meant to be. As a result, I made a pivot in mid January (that felt a little scary, yet right) with my audience from creative purpose-driven women to women creating a purpose-driven business. Scary because of specificity fears, not “successful” yet in my own business and maybe because now is the time to actually be right on with my niche and do what it takes to have a thriving business. Now I feel totally revved up and excited about becoming visible and reaching out for conversations. I’m a month behind where I expected to be (due to moving house in December, getting sick and my own process), but I know exactly what I need to do to get my first few clients into my program. I am getting over my discomfort and avoidance strategies to reach out to people I know (even when I don’t know if they need or want what I offer). I got offered a speaking gig just by texting a previous client with a simple check-in. I also know that I have a solid program (way trimmed down and much more doable than my previous attempts) and marketing copy that I can expand on to sell it. What’s more, I have the supercharge modules waiting for me, once I’m ready for them and the whole program to revisit to guide me with creating any future programs. What a gift!! I feel more solid and determined to do what it takes to grow my business and get out of my own way. Thank you for your ingenious creation, Marisa!!!