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Sindiso Tshuma's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Sindiso Tshuma

I wanted to create an online course on eliminating limiting beliefs, and when I started coaching with Paul and Marisa, I was initially frustrated that they did not think it was right to just talk directly about limiting beliefs because the people who may have them do not identify as such. I initially resisted this idea as I believe beliefs drive everything we do. I later had a light bulb moment when the truth of what Paul and Marisa were saying, came home to me, that although our beliefs are critical, its the symptoms of those beliefs that drives people to change, so the hook to start on the transformation journey is often an attempt to resolve the symptoms of the core problem, and in that journey you also get what you need, and resolve the core problem. This was the biggest take away for me, as I was stuck on why people were not interested in what I thought was good for them, EPM helped me to flip the switch and focus on the experience of the customer and what they felt they needed, not what I thought they needed! At this stage, I have not launched my MVP, but will certainly be launching in the near future. This was an amazing course, thanks Marisa and your team. I can't wait to go over the modules again, including the supercharge tracks. I can not wait to iterate my way to awesome!!