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Anita Kuipers's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Anita Kuipers

Wishing many times to want to seriously start a business and leave my healthcare position I was lacking the confidence. My past includes a number of incomplete course/programs which added to self doubt. Then just last fall on my Facebook feed was a webinar offered by Marisa, which I attended and was captivated throughout the entire webinar and signed up for EPM. Yes, I knew I would benefit from this program and what sealed it for me was the sincere caring I felt from Marisa. Setting my goals, working through each Module step by step was exactly what I needed!!! I began to just trust the process when the mind chatter of doubt would kick in and I "kept on pedaling" because I felt totally supported, understood and encouraged. When I hit a major snag of perfectionism, stalling my progress and motivation for a time, I remembered "progress over perfection" and received great feedback and encouragement from my coach Debra. I can't say enough about how helpful and inspiring all the coaching calls were. And drum roll ... success, I have completed my first MVP and launched! Feeling really grateful for what has changed within me and the way I get to put my "work" out there serving others. As I mentioned earlier, help with step by step process is exactly what I needed. Working through the EPM program was an amazing experience and is a gift that keeps on giving with Modules 4 and 5 and "iterating my way to awesome". Thank you Marisa and your entire team!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Getting started.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Step by step process that works that is both grounded in actions and holding the vision and mission. Have more confidence and process/templates to continue to use and grow.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Value of process and steps and how each builds upon the previous. Leads to success. Especially helpful for a creative mind.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Build my business, and more confidence in what I am inviting people to invest in for themselves.