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Kathleen Murphy's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Kathleen Murphy

It’s wonderful!! I have completed Modules 1, 2, and 3 – primarily because it was so simple to understand how to reach the goal. At a few times I got lost in all the materials, but it was so easy to go back to the objective and understand immediately what I needed to do to meet the mission, and particularly exactly where I was in the process. I am not sure how others feel, but I feel like EPM was designed specifically for MY learning style! Thank you, Marisa & Team, for a product that has moved me further than any of the other valuable (& not so valuable) programs I have done over the years. And, I love that this is only the beginning!!

It’s like a miracle!! I have followed Marisa at a distance for years. I don’t know why I never engaged with one of her programs, maybe it was the marketing shift she says she made at some point, maybe the student was ready (wish I had gotten there years ago)!! I have wanted to launch a program since 2004! Yep…a while now. My vision for the program has evolved but the one thing I struggle with was feeling like I had a product. I always knew that I have a helpful and relevant basis for my HEALING WHAT AGES US program…but I didn’t have a product. All that marketing & other training…but I don’t have a product. I’d jump in, but I don’t have a product. Now I am so far into a brilliant product, designed to share my message with my customers and make a difference in their lives – in a way that is appropriate to them! Now I understand how to use market research to build an MVP product & bring it to market. Now I am free!! Now I don’t worry because I HAVE A VIABLE PRODUCT!! All that stuff about finding a tight niche, I now understand is a marketing issue and I can focus on one population for my MVP and I can also shift my marketing to address the needs of another population at another time. This has been so freeing. Now I can focus my audience statement without feeling like there is no other option. Freedom! Now I am released from needing a PERFECT introductory program rather than a PERFECT Signature Product right out of the gate. Now that I have a product, I have something tangible to offer! WOW !!! Thanks, Marisa, Coach Matthew, Murray, & Team I have brought someone to the enrollment conversation and even though she did not buy, at this time, I could see how EPM brought me such clarity that I was able to offer the same to the prospect/person. I was able to discuss her dreams with her in a way I don’t think she had been able to do on her own and I know she now sees something new for herself and I have no doubt she will join me when she sorts through all she got out of our conversation./ I will follow up with her, nurture her confidence & curiosity about what really is available to her to bring her talents out into the world in a new way for service, fun, and prosperity. - - - - I also want to acknowledge that the really major benefit for me was the EPM 2021 program - the whole thing - really took me through a lot of shifting of mindset! Marisa, I am sure you know exactly where that was structured throughout the program! I went from sad, demoralized, so desparate to get my message out there... to re-ignited, re-excited, re-committed to my Selfish & Altruistic WHY. I have been commited to this for more than 10 years but I did have to recognize that my hobby was just getting more and more expensive. But, now, I'M IN BUSINESS!! Thanks for standing for me until I could stand for myself. There is so much Adult Learner Wisdom in this program. Congratulations! Amazing how it all hangs together. That's my dream.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I am moving this product forward into the market! Massive change!

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
Well, I feel confident that I can now refine my MVP and soon start to Supercharge my offer, to be in service & to experience revenues! I feel like I have gotten through a major step in my entrepreneurial journey.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
The gamification structure breaks everything down into little steps to make small & larger wins that encourage participation and therefore increase the possibility my customers will stick longer than if I just delivered several video & live trainings & left them to plod along looking for a finish line. Following a proven process, trusting that purpose, tailoring it to my own program, and playing the game!! Metrics, baby... moving the needle!

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I have wind beneath my wings that I didn't have before EPM - and I am ready to soar! I will stick with Marisa, too. I can see EPM moved the needle for me & I don't want to risk loosing what is available to me in LYM... I am so grateful, Marisa & Team! Everything is Possible! It is difficult to be more specific because I have never been at this point & there will be so many changes. #! I'm in business, now!!! I can fulfill on my Big Selfish Why and basically create everything that I choose to create. And, I can launch into my Big Altruistic Why: to suppoort & guide people to their powerful, best life-legacy to ensure their fulfillment of their purpose will continue to positively impact themselves, their loved ones, their communities, and all the universe. WOW!! I can finally see that is available to me and I am moved how LYM helped me get to this glorious place of self-expression! YAAAAY! And so it is!