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Jan McNeill's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Jan McNeill

I was struggling to break the inertia and launch my group program. I wasn't making the time to move forward with my group coaching program at the same time as juggling all the responsibilities of being a single working Mom and entrepreneur. I not only signed up for, but committed to the EPM. It's not as if life slowed down, in fact it was a crazy time with many moving pieces outside of EPM, but the comraderie and encouragement and exhuberance of the coaches, community, and Marisa's calls gave me the push I needed to get into action and stay in action leaving my inertia over launching my group program in the past. I ignored the pull to let life takeover and pull me off track, instead I doubled down on my commitment and finished in the nick of time. The modules are set up so that you do not need to wait until the end to get movement and clients... this was HUGE in keeping me motivated!! I have three committed clients to my Group coaching will not launch for another 28 days!!! I am confident I will not only have my minimum of 10 participants, but I am focused on a new goal of reaching my maximum of 25 participants for this Beta program!

What has been the biggest change in your business?
I've broken through a block that I have to carve out weeks of time to focus on my bigger projects, and now I realize I can simply focus on chunks as I manage my typical schedule. I hadn't even realized this was my biggest block until I was in the program doing the work - the natural chunking of the modules - broke this open for me.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I feel certain of my success and capabilities and I feel free; being a single parent of 3 for over 15 years created a very hectic pace and I focused on and completed everything that was most important for my kids while letting the things most important to me slide. This course came at the perfect time for me as I had already been immersed over the last two years in discovering my value and rediscovering my dreams!

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Progress over perfection; there's plenty of time to iterate and perfection doesn't leave room for input or fun :)

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Financial Freedom and fulfilling my life's calling of alleviating suffering and increasing joy in the lives of others and me too!

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I already did... I brought Mariola Czarniak into this course! We coach one another and I believed this was the right fit for her too! I am overjoyed - she has her kick-start for her program tomorrow!!!