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Cath's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

Reviews from class of: All Years | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023


"Even though I didn't hit mission accomplished, I've learned valuable things. I was hesitant to sign up because I've purchased a lot of programs before that I didn't finish. After signing up I still feel this hesitation and thought of asking my money back. But I didn't, deep down it feels right. I don't have problems with tech or design because that's what I love doing. Couple of weeks have passed but I'm still not clear on my niche. But I refused to give up. It's been a roller coaster. I was able to catch up on the training videos and milestones then I fall behind again. I was overwhelmed because I'm doing other programs as well. I did the trainings again during the Christmas & New Year break. But when I got to Module 4 I got so scared, a lot of fears, old conditioning, & limiting beliefs came to surface. I'm an introvert so marketing was very challenging for me. I allowed myself to be crippled by self-doubt. Then there was like a voice inside me telling me to keep going & that I can do this! I had this experience before but this time it is loud and clear. With only two weeks left, I decided to do a survey. Few days passed, I only got 22 responses. Five days left into the program... I got 84 responses back. I doubt I can still make it but I heard this voice again saying it's not over until it's over. Then I saw Marisa's video and she said the same thing. I drafted my first email to send out to the survey respondents who left their email address. I sent it out over the weekend. I haven't got any response back yet but I will continue on and will send the second email. I will keep going until I hit mission accomplished!

I may not hit mission accomplished by the deadline but the lessons I learned doing this program is priceless. I struggled with clarity all my life but now I'm clear of what I really wanted to do & I have a clear direction of where I wanted to go. It's amazing how I'm able to handle my emotions now & I get back up faster. I'm notorious at beating myself up but now I'm kinder to myself. Because of the wonderful people in the community that shared their experiences, challenges & struggles, I realised that I'm not the only one going through these ups and downs. And that it's okay to be vulnerable. I'm learning to accept myself & where I'm at. I'm slowly opening up & giving myself permission to be vulnerable. I'm done hiding & playing small. I'm not busy being busy but I'm busy creating something that will have an impact in someone's life. I've been invisible for a long time but I'm now ready to be seen. Thank you so much Marisa, this program is more than just creating an online program it changes lives :) This is the best program I've ever been done. I got more than what I've paid for. "

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
My biggest takeaway is 'iterate your way to awesome'! Things don't have to be perfect before I get started and take my message out there. Mistakes happen.. take the lessons from it. Follow the process & Marisa's teachings :)

How did EPM help you become successful?
I never thought I could create an online program (still working on it... I'm close). What help me and love about it is - this is a complete program. Everything we need from start to finish is all here - it's a complete package. The coaching sessions are huge help. My mindset shifted and I see myself differently now.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I discovered more about myself and my "superpowers". EPM has made huge impact in my life. I didn't know that all these were possible. It changed how I see myself. I wake up now with a smile on my face and feeling excited. I've always wanted to create something that will help people and EPM made it all possible.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I'm still crafting my first product but now I know it is possible to create a product that I'm passionate about, can help people and make a profitable income at the same time. And it is possible to create again and again.