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Sally Coton's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Sally Coton

"I came into EPM with no list or prior business. I've been playing around for a number of years with the dream of setting up a coaching business. I've done lots of pro-bono work and plenty of coaching in the Corporate World but hadn't yet made that transition to creating my own paying clients.

EPM has helped me narrow down on my target market, get much more clarity on how to reach and speak to them and start to build connections with potential clients.

EPM has been a masterclass in marketing, both in terms of what to do and the mindset around being successful at marketing. Although it's disappointing that I wasn't able to hit Mission Accomplished I can see no reason, as long as I keep working the process that I can't reach this, just in a slightly longer time scale."

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
To keep chatterboxing and looking for opportunities to share what I do.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Apart from guiding me in the action steps I need to take I have found Marisa's way of explaining the mindset behind marketing extremely valuable.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
If anything it's highlighted where I still need to do work on my mindset to move from that of an employee to a business owner.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Getting the clarity around my target market and ways to connect with them.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
So far I've only had 2 strategy calls that went ahead. The first one signed up for a £5000 package but then backed out the next day. The second person was a not right now. Both these have taught me that there is a market for what I'm offering and I got good learnings from both calls. I know because of this that it is possible for me to grow a business from the skills I have.