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Dani Apgar's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Dani Apgar

"I had a massive unexpected change in my life that, at the time, I wasn't sure I'd ever recover from. The event was so excruciating that my mind still won't allow me to remember it. However, I can feel twinges of pain/hurt/betrayal, but I don't actually remember the first time my partner/best friend said he was leaving after 20 years together. ???? ?

Weeks later, after I moved out, after I could breathe & (kinda) function again, I realized I had two choices: ?

1) become a bitter, angry, middle-aged woman spewing hate & negativity, or 2) be thankful for the time & log the many happy moments we shared over 20 years. ?

I chose to look back at our time together through a lens of love ???? I made the conscious decision to be thankful for this change. I heard my soul's calling--to give strength & be of service to other women in need. So, I made a massive pivot and knew I need to birth an empowerment coaching business, Lens of Love Life yet I wasn’t sure how to deliver.

I wasn't sure how to tell my story, I wasn't sure I was ""good enough"" to be a teacher yet I knew in my soul that I didn't want others to stay in suffering while I had the keys to unlock the door to a brighter future. I am incredibly thankful for Marissa and the entire EPM team as I was given the training I needed to break through and make a difference. I have not launched my course yet I am have scheduled time to go live to do some practice training (starting February 6) so I may launch and deliver my first official Lens of Love Life course on February 28, 2020.

With EPM I know that I am blessed to share the blueprint and lifelong learned strategies of consciously creating and leading a happy, healthy & abundant life. Life is too short to be bitter. With me sharing my experiences and coaching woman they will know they have someone in their corner, someone who understands, someone who will not judge, and most importantly, someone who can show them the path to a bright, exciting future in which they are the creator. SIMILAR TO WHAT THE EPM TEAM DID FOR ME!!

Again, thank you Marissa & team for your support and love!!

Dani Apgar
What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
To be my authentic badass self and to go through the fear to get to the other side

What has been the biggest change in your business?
Clarity & Strength

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
It is possible to make a positive impact for more women so they can see themselves through love and in return pour more love into world which is greatly needed.