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Kristen Gibson's Honest Experience Product Masterclass review

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Kristen Gibson

Although I didn't hit "Mission Accomplished," I'm absolutely thrilled with the progress I've made in the course. Because of this course, I've gained much clarity around my product and vision for the business I'd like to grow from it as well as how best to go about making these a reality. Also, I've gained much courage and confidence to speak of my product and vision, whether with family and friends, prospects, or professionals I'm hiring to help with various aspects of my starting up. (And, yes, I consider it a huge win that I've gained clarity on what I wish to do myself and what I wish to hire out given my skills and strengths, weaknesses, and other obligations.) As I've spoken forthrightly about my product/business idea, I've only gained more clarity and come up with more ideas, and I've gotten tremendously positive feedback all around. My Chatterbox campaign, in particular, is starting to pick up speed, and that's huge for me, being a profound introvert and terribly shy.

What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
I absolutely can build my own very successful business.

How did EPM help you become successful?
Through education in business basics, I've started developing an entrepreneur's mindset, and I'm trying on entrepreneur habits. Also, I've started to learn the language of business and entrepreneurship, and that's helped me immeasurably, both in terms of confidence and competence in navigating the basics of getting enough of a business platform set up to support the launch of this and future products.

How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I am more confident around my product/business than when I began. And I'm bringing a new entrepreneurial mindset into my "job" as a hospice chaplain to improve my service to patients while rearranging my work/life balance to better support my own emotional welfare in the present and future professional/entrepreneurial pursuits.

What has been the biggest change in your business?
It's actually a real "thing". Basic infrastructure has been established, sales funnel work is under way, Chatterbox campaign is under way, and a Give Them a Taste campaign is in the offing.

What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
I'm continuing to learn and refine my product idea(s) and vision for my future as a healer, teacher, spiritual coach/public chaplain, and businesswoman.