I joined this program because I want to upgrade my business. I want a real business. I started my business after I was laid off from a 6 figure job in 2002. I got lucky and landed a consulting job with the community college district in my community teaching programs I was certified in. I was a recovering HR Director in the world of business. I later applied to the department of defense to become a Yellow Ribbon Cadre Speaker. I have been a cadre speaker for about 8 years. I earn a nice honorarium and have my expenses paid. Another consulting firm in the area has used my services as a contractor to facilitate, design and deliver training and to various companies and the government. I have fought breast cancer twice and dealt with fighting lupus. All this to say, this program scared the shit out of me! I gave up a few times! The amount of material overwhelmed me! Then I would go all out and flake out again. Then I reverted back to my 7 Habits training. Begin with the end in mind! So, I tried to back into the program. It did me a little satisfaction. Then I started going through the trainings again and the one training that presents the 7 pillars overview in module 3. If I had seen that first I think I would have embraced the concepts of the program sooner. I felt it began with the end in mind and give a great overview so you knew where you need to go and do.
What is your biggest takeaway from EPM?
Xperiencify product, the interview with Bill Baren, the Mindfuck, and trusting myself.
How did EPM help you become successful?
It pressed me! It made me think outside of comfort zone. It made me take a step to do what I have been doing all along. Making people happy! I am a certified laughter leader and joy-logistics! This is what I do and I do it well. I just did not know how to marked the product. Individuals have told me they would love to take a class with me on laughter and humor. In my training it is more to it. It really has a positive impact on your body and how you choose to live your life! This program has help me work on a plan to market "live love laugh - unleash your joy."
How has EPM and your success impacted your life?
I have not reached the impact yet! But I will. I did not graduate with honors ($2000) but I have jumped over a hurdle in putting pen to paper my product. I need to take some developmental courses like working with google docs. I have a feeling that is why my coach never received my milestone sheet to give me feedback.
What has been the biggest change in your business?
Understanding how to build a business. Not being afraid of asking for what the course is worth. It is ok to be selfish and altruistic!
What is now possible for you because of your Experience Product?
Just do it! Get it done! Better late than never. I Got this!